Bananas are ridiculously cheap even up here in Canada, and they aren’t grown anywhere near here. Yet a banana can grow, be harvested, be shipped, be stocked, and then be purchased by me for less than it’d cost to mail a letter across town. (Well, if I could buy a single banana maybe…or maybe that’s not the best...
Oh yeah? By taking care of my cat and supplying him with food that his body needs I’m an abuser? Because I buy meat based food from a company that buys their meat from a processor that buys their meat from a slaughterhouse that may abuse their animals? I don’t think that’s ironic, I think that’s a stretch.
Depends. I’m pissed off again because I’m compelled to read a book I hate for class and it’s like nails on a chalkboard. Regarding this string? I don’t know. Using coarse language and calling people idiots when they deserve it isn’t something I consider bad or regretful, though I admit I was extremely pissed off by the amount of vegans coming at me with anti-science/pseudo-science crap. Otherwise, I’m pretty chill and plan to chill more with a Stella and videogames. Thanks for asking I guess.
Killing does not equal abuse, ie torture. I have no doubt many slaughterhouses do, but that’s not my fault–its my shitty government’s fault for not protecting the animals and funding efforts to do so.
I still have to feed my cat what it needs. I’m a vegetarian, but biologically I’m not and neither is my cat. Unlike my cat, I have the option to become one voluntarily. Thus, meat is murder and yada yada but Mr. Whiskers needs his goddamn catfood.
Because it’s not needless. While I don’t eat meat, it will take centuries to eliminate it’s consumption on this planet, including for pets because of how calorie rich it is and culture. But it’s really not needless because cats need it. To ya know, live.
I’m not going to go off the cliff with you about veganism and ethics and everything else. It’s a joke of a debate because veganism is incompatible with anything but veganism. No thanks, leave me alone.
I’m. Not. Slaughtering. Anything. You want to change the system, be my guest. But it’s a matter of biology, not ethics.
Cats are fucking predators and that’s final. People like you feed newborn babies oat milk and then are shocked when it dies. Indeed, clueless. Give vegans a bad name.
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