iOS will sometimes ask you even if the app has been using it (for certain permissions), and might even tell you how often the app has used it. Which is really handy.
Like, “this app has accessed your location from the background 48 times in the last month, you gave it permission, would you like to change it to ‘when using’?” Or “This app has had full access to your photos, would you like to limit it?” (Not exact wording, but you get the idea.)
Something that delighted me when I discovered it.
(Android does permissions very well too, I’m in no way trying to knock it.)
I wonder how many fuck cars people will buy a car when they finally graduate and get a job and realise they want 1 hr 30 commuting every day instead of 3 hours?
My wife and I own two cars and live outside the most urban parts of our city. I actually love cars, especially when I get to drive a standard transmission. But we both are firmly in the FuckCars camp.
We walk, bike, and use public transit when we can, and we vote to improve the pedestrian infrastructure in our area whenever we can. We love vacationing in places with good public transit, and would live in such places if circumstances allowed.
Part of the frustration in the FuckCars community is the very thing you said in your post. Cities are built around cars, which means every other form of commuting is secondary and therefore worse than it could be. This is what we want to change. Build cities around people. Get rid of massive parking lots, dangerous stroads, etc. If people need cars to get from city to city, or outside of cities, totally fine. But they shouldn’t be necessary for day-to-day in populated areas.
Cities could be so much better, and we know this because there ARE cities that are better. It just takes effort and time.
Ah, well thank neoliberal privatization for that. Thatcher and Reagan fucked their respective countries so damn hard to the benefit of their wealthy friends.
There are plenty of good solutions. Just because you’re only hearing the very valid complaints doesn’t mean solutions don’t exist. They just aren’t going to be easy or immediate. Life doesn’t work that way.
Cars are indeed here to stay. But we can make cities much better over time.
Nah, forget the stupid additional awards they added. Just the good ol’ gold. It was a great idea to help pay for servers before they corrupted it seeking profit.
I believe I did mention cars as valuable for use outside of cities. I live in the US, cars are an absolute necessity outside of major population centers.
Even so, cities are better when cars are unnecessary within them. CAPABLE, but unnecessary.
Spotify. I can already sing, and do so semi-professionally. I can kinda play two instruments and would be down to become better at them through practice if I already know how to play every song.
Yup, I’ve been there. The story is the same with Paris and NYC. I still prefer those cities over, say, Los Angeles. Cities that have made an effort to be livable without cars are better than cities that haven’t.
Yeah but God wrote the Bible, the Constitution, and the Star-Spangled Banner in English, so that means it’s God’s language. Y’all can suck our Freedom!