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Does AI-generated art posted on lemmy bother you?

I find that i can spot AI Images fairly easily these days, especially the sort of fantastical tableaus that get posted to the various AI communities around lemmy. I’m tired of seeing them; it all looks the same to me. Was wondering if im being too sensitive, or if other people are similarly bored of the constant unimaginative...



I’ve been experimenting with the “all” filter (as opposed to the “subscribed” filter) lately. And I haven’t blocked any communities yet, so I get all posts. Including those from communities made for posting AI art.

I’m not saying AI art should be banned or anything, especially if it’s confined to communities specifically for AI art. And it hasn’t ruined the experience of the “all” filter enough to make me rage quit back to the subscribed filter yet. (Though I’ll probably end my “all” filter experiment and go back to “subscribed” sometime relatively soon.) But every time I see an AI generated image, it irks me. Not enough to go make nasty comments in the thread or anything. But my reaction is never “oh that’s cool.” It’s always “oh, more AI shit.” Similarly to when I run across cryptocurrentcy spam.

I do look forward to the day the AI bubble pops.


Yeah, the particular model I printed was specifically designed to be easy-ish to print. It’s printed in like 32 parts (one for each face and one connector for each vertex) and requires assembly after printing. All to avoid overhangs and such.

But yeah. Raw-dogging it with the supports would be pretty nightmarish. Lol.


My mother has a fascination with Roman Dodecahedra, so I 3D printed her one for Christmas. She hasn’t knitted any gloves with them yet. (And may never, but she still likes it and has it sitting on the mantle over the fireplace.)


Why do I so badly want this to be an alignment chart meme?

Good luck web devs (

Alt text:Twitter post by Daniel Feldman (@d_feldman): Linux is the only major operating system to support diagonal mode (credit [Twitter] @xssfox). Image shows an untrawide monitor rotated about 45 degrees, with a horizontal IDE window taking up a bottom triangle. A web browser and settings menu above it are organized creating a...


Only 36 minutes, but it’s what I’m listening to as I type this.


Unless you’re a Twitch streamer in which case the entire image is just “Let’s Fucking GOOOOOOO”.


Do other folks virtually always go through the whole process of telling them “no, fuck all the cookies you’ll let me disable”, or is it just me?

TootSweet, (edited )

But school shootings, obesity, healthcare, and oil, though.

Source: Am American.


It is pretty ingenious (and evil) the way they made the Chromium logo look like the shitty off-brand diet version of Chrome.


Oh my god they told their family to buy crypto?!


“AMA” generally means “I’ll answer your questions.” You’ve answered basically none of them.


Rhasspy might be a part of the solution you’re looking for, at least.

SAD light location and use for programmers?

It’s been a grey winter, and looking to stay that way. I work remote, so I was thinking of getting an SAD light. But I remember from years ago when I had one (and worked in an office) that if I put it next to my monitor it gave me a headache and made my monitor hard to see. Those of you using SAD lights, where do you put them,...


I also work remote and have a SAD lamp mounted just an couple of inches above my employer-issued work laptop. (I custom designed and 3d printed a mount for it, in fact.) Basically exactly above and as close to my screen as possible.

It’s quite bright (obviously) and does make seeing the screen a little harder, but I crank the monitor brightness up all the way. I don’t know specifically that it’s given me headaches, but I am prone to headaches. I’ll have to pay more attention and see if there is any correlation between headaches and SAD lamp usage for me.

I leave it on at the brightest and whitest setting from 9:00am to 5:00pm (with a break for lunch.)

I will say it’s not quite enough. This time of year, even with the SAD lamp, my (self-diagnosed, mild-ish) SAD benefits from sitting out in the sun for 10 minutes or so in the morning before work. But a SAD lamp and no sun is a lot better than no SAD lamp and no sun. I think even when it’s overcast (which it is pretty much all the time where I am as well of late) I get benefit from sitting out and getting a little ambient, cloud-filtered light.

This is the specific model of SAD lamp I use. (I’ve got two of that same model, in fact. One of the AC adapters crapped out not long ago and I ordered a replacement AC adapter from Verilux for way more than what I’d consider reasonable. Works fine again now.) The one I have mounted over my work laptop is mounted in “landscape mode.” (Sideways.) I figured that would be better than upright.

Hopefully this is all at least a little bit helpful. I have no idea if you have access to any 3d printers, but if you’re interested in my SAD lamp mount models, I’m happy to share.


So, Open Source was already kindof the capitalistic fork of the Free Software movement. And it feels like Parens’ vision of Post-Open Source is about how to marry it more to “the market.” If it’s not clear from what I’ve said already, I’m not a fan of that specific aspect of it.

It is a problem that big companies reguarly violate the terms of the GPL. I hope good things come out of SFC v. Visio that give the GPL’s requirements of distributing source code with compiled code more teeth, but we’ll have to see. I do think the courts agreeing to interpret the GPL (at least in some cases) as a contract rather than as a license is a good thing. It was a gutsy move on the SFC’s legal department’s part, but the case shows more promise now that they’d made it than it did previously. Perhaps a GPLv4 that better deals with being interpreted as a contract is in order.

Though, I worry that what Parens has in mind for new licenses doesn’t address what I’d want to see from the Open Source movement and will ultimately move (Post-)Open Source in the wrong direction.

Specifically what I want from FOSS licenses is to be able to (and to have assurance that others have the option to) write and distribute software with assurances that no one’s going to use it to restrict users’ rights down the line. The GPL has historically been imperfect at that. The AGPL is better. But the GPL has always been explicit about requiring companies to distribute source code with binaries. What we need is that but with teeth in the form of some combination of court precedent and more effective legalese.

If current licenses have the problem that big companies just ignore the terms set out in the license, I wouldn’t imagine making a new sort of license with different terms like “big companies have to pay to get the benefit of using Pots-Open Source software” is really going to work.

All that said, I’m glad to hear discussion about the future of FOSS. I’m worried about where FOSS is now and where it’s going and am glad to see more strategic thinking.


8:00pm to midnight. When people leave me alone.


I’ve heard it called “contemplative.” Which on its own sounds pretty cool.

Haven’t played it or watched any playthroughs or anything, though.

  • asciiquarium
  • xcowsay (someone else mentioned cowsay, but this one’s a graphical reimagining of the same idea.)
  • xeyes

This kinda pisses me off.

I don’t think anyone in that conversation is advocating against “science.” They’re advocating to (or maybe just lamenting the fact that we can’t for political reasons) do more to save real bees (and the environment in general) rather than replace bees with something robotic. And they’re commenting on how starkly this article highlights how much we’re fucking the planet.

Second, building robot bees isn’t really science. It solidly qualifies as engineering, but not science. The reason I bring this up is that while it’s arguable that there’s no science that shouldn’t be pursued (though certainly science ought to be done ethically), there’s definitely engineering that would best be not done at all. We keep engineering new and ingenious ways to extract more oil from mostly-not-oil, but that’s destroying the planet. Elon’s Hyperloop was never a good idea, and it’s fortunate it was never actually built and probably will never be built. A lot of geoengineering proposals that have been put forward are risky on the basis that we don’t understand the ecosystems involved well enough to know what the side effects might be (and that’s likely not something science will be able to solve any time soon.)

Some engineering is beneficial. But some isn’t. And you can imagine Elon or the oil industry or some reckless geoengineering startup railing against detractors calling them “anti-science” just as a PR stunt to sway public opinion in favor of their fucked-up money-making scheme.

Comparing building robot bees to measuring fly genitalia further illustrates how the poster is conflating science and engineering.

The thing about “less strain on bees” seems directly out of someone’s ass. I can’t guess their line of reasoning.

Now, being realistic, we’re so fucked that I doubt we can save the bees. And I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing to make robot bees. But it’s pretty fucked that we have to. Which is all they were saying in that conversation.

"# More Replies" Option Does Not Work For Me

Often times, when looking at the comments on a post, some comments are hidden and replaced by a button that (in Lemmy-UI) says “1 more reply ➔” or “2 more replies ➔” (or in Lemuroid says “1 more replies”) or some such. I assume the intent of this button is to cause the hidden comment to be shown, but the button...


Just always write your own PKGBUILDs and never use the ones from AUR.

In fact, just write your own PKGBUILDs rather than using the Arch repos.

Make Arch Gentoo Again.

TootSweet, (edited )

Are all the spots taken or if somthing gets more upvotes than one that’s already taken, does it override the one already listed?

If the latter, I’d like to submit “twelve tribbles birthing.”

Edit: Oh, but it says to submit only for the following day. But if that’s the case, why are they all filled out? Just what you’ll use if you don’t get any submissions?

Oh, also, the image on this page: Kirk up to his chest in tribbles looking dejectedly at one


“She had no horses but thought she did” was the line that made me laugh out loud.


I had to google a bit to find out if Edge is available for Linux.

It is.

Truly we are living in the weirdest timeline.

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