Eeh, swede here but a majority of men in my generation (90s) were probably at dreamhack at one point or another during their teens. Not to mention homeparties. Girls is less obviously but many of those went too
I ride from -20 to +35C in basically any weather and since jackets and shorts exist that’s all that’s needed. My friends have their own bikes they can ride…
Well I live in Sweden and we have snow here too buddy. Lousy public transport sucks though, but that’s what you get in a carcentric society, no options…
Pretty sure mercedes has some vans like that. I know of a company that build them into off road & off grid camping vans and they do rock climbing, or whetever one would call it, in them. They are still quite long and big but not like the sheer stupid toys that a modern pickup is.
hey - trying to switch from Chrome to Firefox, what are your recommended extensions and/or quality of life addins, etc?
Gen Z is turned off by onscreen sex, wants no-mance over romance, a new study finds (
The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars (
Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution (
Were this the ‘good ole times’ they always talk about? (
For real tho (
... and you feel nothing. (