Social justice influencers acridly piling blame for social problems onto cis white males without nuance. This makes a lot of cis white males feel targeted for factors outside their control, and so they flock to ideologies that venerate them.
General dissatisfaction with career and other life prospects, in the shadow of an idyllic bygone status-quo propped up by exploitative short term policies. They saw their parents and grandparents thrive in that trad-coded utopia, and they’re noticing the inadequacies of their own prospects.
So mostly those two things, exacerbated by fascist propagandists who have taken advantage of them to promote the facade of a return-to-roots. Also good old fashioned cult of personality.
Huh. I was pretty sure Gunshow predated Oglaf, but I just looked it up and Oglaf actually started a month and a half before Gunshow. Still, wild that it was that close.
Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite scary movie recommendations in this thread.
I don’t know what I’m missing with Event Horizon. I’d heard it repeatedly recommended, so decided to watch it with the wife who’s much more into horror. Neither of us really enjoyed it. The effects were cool, but the writing was kinda so over the place and it just didn’t really leave an impact.
One of mine is when I finish wrapping my hair up tightly in the towel to dry after washing, I whack the towel where it’s tucked in, kind of like encouragement to stay tucked for the duration, kinda like a coach does when sending the kids onto the playing field.
Same. I figure out the most efficient way of doing something, and do it that way every time forever. Until I learn a more efficient way, which becomes the new way I do it forever.
Obviously not universal, but generally parental strictness/harshness/unfairness is them trying to spare their children undue suffering from mistakes similar to those the parents themselves made in their youth.
Brought to you by my discovery that some people think that “the customer is always right” isn’t the slogan of a long-dead department store, but rather it’s an actual call the cops law.
Lots of people buy Emotional Support Animal vests online and think that means they can bring them into restaurants. Nope, FDA is very clear about it: trained service animals only. ESAs actually have almost no special privileges over regular pets. Basically the only exceptions they get are against pet policies/fees on leases.
Wholesome submission (
Opinion: Why do so many young white men in America find fascism ‘cool’? (
logarithms (
translationSaw this on Weibo, LOL log(😅) = 💧log(😄)
Seriously??? (
You guessed WRONG! (
Oatmeal raisin are amazing. Surprise oatmeal raisin is not
Nicky-Boo What's the Matter with you? (
And now, for a very important message…
Does anyone know where I could get a phone inserted into my body? (Example below) (
New Subclass dropped [KC Green] (
KC Green/Gunsow Source Links:...
Happy Halloween! Share your favorite scary movie suggestions! (
Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite scary movie recommendations in this thread.
A Real Adult (
Source: Goat To Self
What's your weird physical habit?
One of mine is when I finish wrapping my hair up tightly in the towel to dry after washing, I whack the towel where it’s tucked in, kind of like encouragement to stay tucked for the duration, kinda like a coach does when sending the kids onto the playing field.
What the hell is going on at Wikipedia? (
A calzone could also be called a pizzussy.
I would do that but with a baseball bat (
That’s it, that’s the whole meme. (
Cyber woman with corn
AI can generate memes now. This could potentially lead to a new robot-communist era. (
Horses Can See Emotions in Our Face and Voice–and Have a Preference, Reveals New Study (
People who work in food service or customer service: What’s the dumbest thing a customer ever insisted was “the law” or “illegal”?
Brought to you by my discovery that some people think that “the customer is always right” isn’t the slogan of a long-dead department store, but rather it’s an actual call the cops law.