I just wish for all of us to become more accustomed to working on ourselves instead of projecting the need to develop virtue on others. Linus actually did it, doesn’t mean that he was an asshole before. Brash, sure, crass, yes, but actual assholes don’t calm down as easily.
Linus didn’t call Mauro anything at all, much less a code fart. If anything, then an idiot (indirectly, by saying “I don’t want to hear that kind of garbage and idiocy from a kernel maintainer again”.
How many of the people complaining about the mail being abusive or whatnot actually read it.
This is a message to an @redhat address, as you might notice. Mauro gets paid to work on the kernel and is not a noob who doesn’t know better, either, he’s a maintainer who fucked up basic maintenance.
Nah it’s completely fine. I vastly prefer an angry-sounding takedown over a passive aggressive takedown and a takedown Mauro definitely deserved because his code was, in fact, utter shite, and that as a maintainer. This isn’t “oh he’s a noob he doesn’t know how the kernel works” type of territory. Also note that this happened after he had been told what’s up in a neutral and factual way: Linus, even in his most management by perkele days, never made those things the first reply to anything. So Mauro got his chance to spot that he fucked up and correct his approach, he didn’t, therefore, it has to be said loudly. Simple as that.
Also, no “you should be aborted retroactively” in sight anywhere. Yeah that stuff wasn’t necessary even though everyone with an ounce of social intelligence should readily spot that those insults were always so over the top as to be obviously humorous.
“being a dick” and “assertive” are weasel terms which do a hell a lot of lifting in your argument there. I have no idea where your line for behaviour to be deemed acceptable actually is.
IMO, no, Linus wasn’t a dick. He called out a specific attitude and behaviour which Mauro is not supposed to show in his role as maintainer. What about Mauro being a dick because he went in all self-righteous like “this is a bug in pulseaudio”?
If you were a restaurant manager, and a server told a customer that he’s not going to serve beer with steak but only wine because “drinking beer with steak is obviously wrong”, what would you do? Chew them out, of course. It’s way out of line. This isn’t Linus exploding over nothing just to bully someone, that’s a thing he has never done.
If you want someone toxic to complain about in the FOSS space pick Lennart Poettering, the kind of guy who replies to “We’d like to be able to disable various features to keep things small” with “why do you hate disabled people they need accessibility”. More generally speaking: Focussing on tone never ends up well. You can be incredibly toxic in the most flowery of idioms.
Current-day Linus wouldn’t react much differently. Cut the “shut the fuck up”, the one or other “fuck” (but not all, some need to be there for emphasis), done. It’s the real personal shit, the “should be aborted retroactively” stuff, that he cut out. “Obvious garbage and idiocy” is a technical term, programmers apply it to their own work all the time. Compilers are more technical in their language but we know what they mean.
And was this mail, seen in its total impact, a hardship? He went down hard, yes, and thousands upon thousands of Linux users breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Mauro’s attitude towards userland doesn’t fly.
The hardest-hitting sentence in that mail is actually “You have shown yourself to not be competent in this issue”. Absolutely devastating. Taking context into account it’s the equivalent of telling a professional cook that their ingredients suck, what they did with them sucks, and most of all that the gall which which they claimed that the customer is wrong about their dinner sucking is completely, and utterly, unprofessional.
Of course that’s hard on Mauro. There’s no way to tell someone about such an epic cock-up without being hard. But not going that far, avoiding that hardship for some notion of civility, now that would be right-out cruel.
There’s it again. What, precisely, is it that makes Linus’ comment “abusive”? Is he gaslighting? Is he attacking Mauro over what he is? All I see is calling out, harshly, what Mauro did, behaviour that actually occurred and that is not acceptable and that Mauro knows is not acceptable. “We do not break userspace” is the rule #1 of Linux development, Mauro ignored it and was a dick about it.
Or do you disagree with the tone of the whole thing. Things like “Shut up” instead of “This is not up for discussion”. If so, then please for the love of the gods please shut up.
No Mauro obviously didn’t which is the fucking problem.
If you don’t want to use swear words fine, but usually the tone police doesn’t just want to tone down valuable emphasis, they also want to mess with the semantics of the message until it is insulting by means of assuming that the recipient is a toddler and completely ignores the actual issue, which is that Mauro has a role and responsibility and he failed in it.
On a construction site, if a foreman catches a worker not securing some area that they’re responsible for securing, you can bet your ass that some choice words are going to be heard. That not only saves people’s lives it also protects the worker from going to prison for negligent manslaughter or such. To do that, to have the necessary impact on the worker, yes it’s going to feel bad.
Not even close. French presses are way larger, holding a can instead of a mug, generally glass, and are pure immersion brewers while aeropresses are immersion/infusion hybrids, giving you way more options. The grind sizes you use are also vastly different: French press grind is coarse to survive the long immersion, while people generally grind for aeropress in between filter coffee and espresso fineness – roughly what supermarkets sell as espresso fine (which it isn’t, espresso fine grind is basically the consistency of talcum powder and spoils within minutes).
And while it wouldn’t be right to claim that you can use them to make actual espresso you can use them to make concentrates that come darn close, definitely appropriate for a cappuccino, or tiramisu. You really don’t want to make concentrates with immersion.
Oh and by default aeropresses use paper filters, while French presses use sieves. Preferences differ but as you can get sieves for the aeropress again you have more options.
In short, it’s the brewer for someone who cares about coffee, probably has a (hand) grinder (and a mere chestnut at that), avoids buying any supermarket coffee and knows a source of proper but non-fancy beans, but doesn’t really want to go full nerd about it. Also, isn’t a hipster paying through their nose to get a Hario filter holder and papers in a Melitta region (or the opposite), or gets a ceramic filter holder which only means you have to heat it up… no upsides. Speaking of nerds.
In even shorter, it’s at a very very solid performance vs. fuss sweetspot. At least if you’re making a mug of coffee, if you need to supply a table full of guests… honestly if I had to do it right now I’d throw grinds and water into a pot, wait a bit, then filter the whole thing through an ordinary kitchen sieve followed by an ordinary paper filter holder, and hope for the best.
They could have easily crammed the Steam Deck full of stuff to make it hard to use for piracy - locking down everything, making it usable only to play games you legitimately own, force you to go through who knows what hoops in order to play games on it. That’s what Nintendo or Apple or most other companies do....
Steam DRM is trivial to circumvent, it’s basically cheap locks screwed onto the game with security torx, not even riveted: If you have a toolbelt you’re already in and every skiddie with half a brain cell can do it as Valve doesn’t bother defeating the scripts that are floating around.
What it does prevent is random tech-illiterate people copying game files to their friend’s box.
If Steam dies one day then my library would be largely lost, yes, but not due to DRM but because most of my library isn’t actually on my disk.
I’m pretty sure every compositor worth its salt (that is, kde or wlroots-based) reparents on fullscreen. KDE also does variable refresh rate and at that point I’m happy – I’m not playing competitive shooters any more and VRR is such an upgrade I’m not even noticing frame rates dropping. Back in the days not hitting 60 was terrible, sometimes I had to settle for 30 (though before LCDs you could do rates in between), now I can go “ah, around 40-50 but I like the bling let’s keep it at that”. Dropped frames are simply magnitudes worse than delayed frames.
Base 2 based displays and calling them kilobytes date back to the 1960s. Way before the byte was standardised to be eight bits (and according to network engineers it still isn’t you still see new RFCs using “octet”).
Granted though harddisks seem to have been base-10 based from the very beginning, with the IBM 350 storing five million 6-bit bytes. Window’s history isn’t in that kind of hardware though but CP/M and DOS, and (page 10):
Displays the filename and size in kilobytes (1024 bytes).
Then, speaking of operating systems with actual harddrive support: In Unix ls -lh seems to be universally base-2 based (GNU has –si to switch which I think noone ever uses). -h (and -k) are non-standard, you won’t find them in POSIX (default is to print raw number of bytes, no units).
Network / signal engineers have always, and are still, operating in bits not bytes. They’ve been doing that when what we understand now as byte was still called an octet and when you send a byte over any network transport it’s probably not going to send eight bits but that plus party, stop, whatnot ask a network engineers.
The current minister for national security is a straight-up blood and soil fascist, both him and Netanyahu are implicated in calls to assassinate Yitzhak Rabin. Netanyahu himself is in quite some legal trouble over corruption, not to mention that he should be in trouble over, at the very least, overseeing systematic war crimes (settlement in occupied territories). Plenty of Israelis, especially family of Hamas victims/hostages (largely lefties btw) right-out blame him for allowing the attacks to happen – Israel had the intel, yet the IDF was withdrawn from the Gaza border to back up settlers harassing Palestinians in the west bank. There’s no chance in hell they’re going to survive the next elections.
It may be a bit of an edgelord take but as long as there’s Kahanites in Israel’s government calling them a bunch of murderous cunts really isn’t off-base: Kahanites definitely are that and the rest are tolerating it and therefore at least complicit.
The thing about fork bombs that it’s not particular process which takes up all the resources, they’re all doing nothing in a minimal amount of space. You could say “ok this group of processes is using a lot of resources” and kill it but then you’re probably going to take down the whole user session as the starting point is not trivial to establish. Though I guess you could just kill all shells connected to the fork morass, won’t fix the general case but it’s a start. OTOH I don’t think kernel devs are keen on special-case solutions.
99.999% of that function’s effectiveness is that unix shell, being the ancient dinosaur it is, not just allows : as a function name but also uses the exact same declaration syntax for symbol and alphanumeric functions:
The males, yes. Redguard women are subbier, more dazzling, and have more stamina than Nord women. Good base race for a skill over brawn fighter, see Syrio Forel, no points wasted on pointless magic capabilities. Also fun side observation: Female orcs are just as strong as the males but smarter and have, singular among all races, less charisma than the males. Also the lowest overall.
You kinda have to try hard to be offended by the thing. I guess though the differences between human races shouldn’t be as pronounced (modulo Bretons with all their Aldmer blood) but I guess every race needs its 50 stat. Oh and imperials being the smarmy ones makes sense.
Over here in Germany overnight shipping is pretty much the norm unless you get supremely unlucky and both source and destination addresses are in the boondonks. DHL also offers guaranteed overnight, but, as said, it’s usually not any faster especially since online retailers build their warehouses directly next to DHL hubs. So to sell prime, they started artificially delaying shipping – you can see that in tracking, they’re simply waiting until they hand stuff over to DHL, which then operates as fast as usual.
DHL is not the only shipping company in Germany, amazon has contracts with pretty much all of them, and in my case the nearest pickup location happens to be Hermes. Which Amazon apparently hates as they’re delaying packages for a good two weeks.
The result? I’m pretty much done ordering from Amazon: Other shops ship faster and aren’t more expensive. What amazon still has going for it is a ludicrously large selection so very occasionally (once in a year or so) I order there and, what do you know, they’re trying to get me with a free month of prime and actually ship on time, then.
Maybe it’s not the most elegant example but the barbie movie of last summer is an interesting example of a piece of media that addresses the fact that certain types of male socialization is harmful to everyone if you can approach it with an open mind.
Imagine the same points being made in a different movie, without all that Barbie Girl Power. In a movie not marketed towards gals. Just doesn’t happen. Pretty much all the male hero arcs in (non-kid) media are geared towards the female gaze and phantasies, not issues actual men face. And why not of course we live in capitalism and that’s what sells the most tickets. No, “guy saves the day” doesn’t really get men off, by and large “the roof for once doesn’t need fixing and I can kick back” is way more attractive.
while simultaneously putting a lot of pressure on being “a real man” that gets the girl,
Meanwhile, gals are asking “where are all the real men gone”. Everyone is willing to tell you versions of “this is how it works” without actually understanding the issue, from “just open up” (which gets you ignored at best, cast out at worst), to “just punch everything”, which of course also doesn’t work.
There is a distinct lack of solutions, or even a desire to build a new tradition of behaviour that does not require ideological buy-in, or only works for abusive couples (like Dworkin and her victim). Things that align with instinct. E.g. you can’t simply demand non-violence and then only look at physical violence: What’s a guy to do if a gal becomes psychologically abusive? That’s the point where “Real men don’t hit woman, we tickle” then suddenly makes a ton of sense. You don’t get to attack me at my weak spot and not get a proportional response.
My two cents? Difference feminism has been dismissed prematurely. Of course, get rid of all the ancient toxic normative shit the groups that brought it up brought with them, but fail to include difference on a fundamental level and well-meant but absolutely counterproductive advise such as “just open up” will never vanish due to a structural incapability to see the other side as you insist that it’s the same as you: Way worse than essentialising a banana as a banana is essentialising it as an apple. That’s also how you get shit like the new Mulan: Because apparently the only way a gal can ever achieve anything is to be born magical so that she can fight like a guy. I mean it kinda works as a transmasc egg fantasy but they should’ve just kept the old story, or, better yet, not make a re-make at all, as the old story did show how a gal can, indeed, save the day, with brains and guts instead of brawn or magic (and of course the new one’s a Mary Sue but I wanted to complain about theme, not just shoddy writing). Am I beginning to rant? Probably better stop.
Linus does not fuck around (lemmy.one)
An oldie, but a goodie
Distros bad (feddit.de)
I feel like the Steam Deck is the best proof of Gabe Newell's quote that "piracy is a service issue."
They could have easily crammed the Steam Deck full of stuff to make it hard to use for piracy - locking down everything, making it usable only to play games you legitimately own, force you to go through who knows what hoops in order to play games on it. That’s what Nintendo or Apple or most other companies do....
Can you install thid 25 year old program? (lemmy.ml)
I've been robbed! (startrek.website)
Title (lemmy.world)
You should (lemmy.ohaa.xyz)
Minmaxxing (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
I wasn't in a hurry anyway (lemmy.world)
How does she know... (lemmy.ca)
Anger across Italy as killing of student highlights country’s femicide rate (www.theguardian.com)