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Cost. That separate road means buying land from someone and turning it into road. Do they have one way roads for rural schools in Germany? Because I looked at a few Grundschule in Bavaria on Google maps and didn’t see any.

You’ll have a hard time finding a village with literally one single road. Certainly not one 1-2k which is the size that gets the school for the surrounding ones.

It is cheaper and more convenient to have a speed camera that is active only during school hours.

And also completely ineffective at preventing anything.Heck at least use road bumps. Narrow the road only in spots so that two monster trucks if you please fit on comfortably side by side for 50-100m or such, but then it narrows down to half that for just 5m. While you’re at it build a crossing there, narrowing the roads at pedestrian crossing is standard practice in many places and it makes a hell a lot of sense. Yes, that slows down traffic because you might have to negotiate with oncoming traffic who goes first. Yes, that’s precisely the point.

barsoap, (edited )

A block in the US doesn’t mean a square either.

Yes, great, blame a non native speaker for expressing himself incorrectly, correcting himself, and then quadruple down on it. I was thinking of unprioritised NY-style blocks you see all over the place in US cities, gridlock magnets. You know, places where people say “down the block” and generally measure distances in blocks.

It is required that children do not cross two lane roads to be picked up by school buses. I don’t make the rules. I don’t have a solution to US car culture. But making roads unpassable by school buses isn’t an answer.

If you look back at that Hamburg link, at those streets internal to the superblock, you’ll notice that they are wide enough for buses to go through. There’s no regular bus lines through there (there’s two metro stations and plenty of bus stops surrounding it) but a school bus isn’t regular service, it doesn’t need to play by the same rules. You can make a pickup at one of those very spacious intersections. It’s not being done because there’s schools in walking distance and German kids can cross roads but it could be done. Would you, however, ever speed on those roads.

barsoap, (edited )

Roads are typically 2 lanes one in each direction. You already know this because you said a solution would be to remove the lane marker.

I’m someone else.

So you have a road with an elementary school, and 2 miles further down is a middle school. Even without that you have buses passing each other during pickup because busses only pickup kids on one side of the street so you don’t have young kids crossing roads.

Lots of questions here: Why can’t kids walk 500m to the next bus stop? Why are streets so unsafe so that kids can’t cross them?

Why assume that there’s no larger road in between those smaller roads? Roads generally form a hierarchy, you have big ones feeding into middle ones feeding into small ones. Small ones should absolutely be safe to cross, also without explicit crossings, because they’re traffic calmed and don’t have much traffic in the first place. That’s where houses and schools are, where there’s no through-traffic because even if they aren’t cul de sacs who would drive through a road you can’t drive fast on when there’s a mid-level road that you could take.

What do you call a section of inner city bounded on all sides by a road in your country?

Straßenblock. Let me put it differently: We don’t have grids and nothing is regular. This is about as grid-y as it gets and if you zoom in you’ll notice that the interior streets have no lane markers and some even are cobbled. Those connect to a street ( south, Hallerstraße) with bike lanes (don’t need those on smaller streets because there’s not enough traffic to warrant them), which connects to a four-lane (plus bus lane) street, Grindelalle, west. The intersection looks a bit crazy but it’s actually safe for pedestrians and you should’ve learned how to cross streets safely and what traffic lights are in Kindergarten. You’ve also been there with your parents (going shopping or whatever) a lot of times, nothing scary really. That kind of density and housing is probably illegal to build where you are (it’s illegal pretty much everywhere in the US and Canada).

And mind you Hamburg is awful when it comes to urbanism, way too car-centric. Not because of lack of public transport but because politicians are unwilling to kill off car traffic and the whole city is full of rich fucks with too much disposable income.

barsoap, (edited )

Things aren’t done differently, in principle, in villages. You were the one brining up blocks or did you mean “buildings surrounded by roads and fields”.

This is Wacken (the Wacken), I zoomed you in on the primary school. There’s surrounding villages without school so it’s bound to get bus traffic. Note how it’s on a street that’s wide enough for that, but not the main road, the one with all the through-traffic. Can you understand that principle. (Main Roads, actually, Wacken has two, Schenefelder and Hauptstraße).

I only took issue with the ridiculous idea that the roads in front of rural US schools could be made safer by making them impassable by busses.

Noone ever said that? At least I didn’t.


Why can’t you have one-way streets in a rural area? Fork off the main street on one end, merge on the other. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic can be bidirectional, cars can take a little detour they don’t use muscle energy.

Wide enough for one pickup and no opposing traffic, but so narrow that two pickups are going to really have to negotiate to move around each other."

How does that translate to "block the street for buses? If a street fits two pickups it fits two buses. They’ll have to negotiate to move around each other so if you have many (which, as I told you a lot, you shouldn’t) you should consider a one-way road, or maybe a meeting bay, or a wider street with choke points, or whatever. But it’s not “blocking the road for buses”.


I’m still grateful I don’t have to jump inside one every time I need to write a python script.

Honestly, I’m on NixOS and it’s not a bother because it saves time down the line when your script would break during a system upgrade which it doesn’t on NixOS as without you telling it to, it will still use all the old dependencies. Also you already have a couple of flake.nix floating around you can just copy and adjust and direnv does the rest.

barsoap, (edited )

We had a visit from a time traveller and hoped that he’d tell us what lorica segmentata was actually called but it happens to be a state secret.


But the Epicureans also denied that virtue is primary in achieving eudaimonia and from a Stoic POV, that’s just a cardinal sin. Due to the Stoics is also the idea of animals being self-aware as well as cosmopolitanism and the absolutely unheard of notion that women have the same mental faculties as men and thus should also enjoy education.

But really, all the “Figuring out how to be like Sokrates” schools of philosophy were highly productive.

Good luck web devs (

Alt text:Twitter post by Daniel Feldman (@d_feldman): Linux is the only major operating system to support diagonal mode (credit [Twitter] @xssfox). Image shows an untrawide monitor rotated about 45 degrees, with a horizontal IDE window taking up a bottom triangle. A web browser and settings menu above it are organized creating a...


Smart watches tend to be microcontroller class devices because even though you can fit something powerful in there, powering it and heat dissipation make it silly.

The usual embedded-type application for wayland that it’s even especially designed for is automotive: Things without window management but not particularly hardware-restrained. Also think public transit ticket machines, ATMs, such things. In that sense, from wayland’s perspective android is already desktop.


Also, imo, having windows in windows is useful when you want to use your favourite terminal in your favourite IDE.

The wayland way to do that is to have the application be a compositor, they made sure that nesting introduces only minimal overhead. And that ties in with the base protocol being so simple: If you only need to deal with talking to the compositor you’re running on, and to the client that you want to embed, a wayland compositor is indeed very small and lean. Much of the codebase in the big compositors deals with kms, multiple monitor support, complex windowing logic that you don’t need, etc.

Oh and just for the record that doesn’t mean that you can’t undock the terminal: Just ask the compositor you’re running on for a second window and compose it there. You can in principle even reparent (client disconnecting from one compositor and connecting to the other) but I think that’s only standardised for the crash case there’s no standard protocol to ask a client to connect to another compositor. Just need to standardise the negotiation protocol, not the mechanism.

barsoap, (edited )

TETP is just a nefarious scheme to dictate glorious typography to member states. Seriously that thing is good: Ridiculously legible and specifically so in “big font at long distances” situations, meanwhile both friendly and authoritative – exactly the kind of thing you want when asking for the way. No “yeah let me think where was that intersection” or “can’t you find your own way” but “Of course! Go straight ahead, first to the left, then the second right”.

Now if the EU would get around to telling member states that they should learn from each other in overall traffic and urban design, and follow the best practices that they can find anywhere. Which is diplomatic language for “Do as the Dutch do”.


All even half-way relevant architectures but x86 and z/Architecture are RISC nowadays: ARM, Power, MIPS (The Chinese tried to revitalise it but they seem to be switching to RISC-V), Atmel AVR. Oh speaking of microcontrollers: Z80 (CISC) still lives though arguably it’s genetically an x86. And then of course RISC-V which most of all is an open standard, and a clean slate. Also, the first vector insn set that also runs on hardware that isn’t a supercomputer.


The thing that rolling release distros are good for is sanitising upstream when it comes to version compatibility. Gentoo was infamous for that, sooo many things back then were bug-compatible with each other because all other distros would lock versions down and only care about their one particular combination.


Yeah dude I totally need those new flags the latest less implements.


It’s not a code review. Mauro was gaslighting userspace devs, pretending that kernel bugs he introduced were their fault, and at the end of it all he agrees with Linus.

As to tone: How is “this is not up for discussion” and “obvious mistakes and thoughtlessness” any better? As a reader I’d be inclined to think that you think of me as having the emotional maturity of a toddler.

barsoap, (edited )

and I don’t think there are is any good rationale that warrants such behavior

For one, the boss setting the tone as to include “shut up” means that you won’t get written up for responding in a similar register. It allows for emotionality, instead of burdening the recipient of the dress-down not just with addressing their own behaviour, but also the emotional labour to respond in a way the tone police deems acceptable. Maybe paradoxically (for people lacking emotional intelligence), that makes emotional responses less likely as the recipient isn’t as emotionally boxed in, doesn’t see walls in every direction.

The line that you shouldn’t cross is making things personal – talking about what someone (presumably) is, instead of what they did. But that applies to any register, “Please come to HR to discuss your identity” isn’t someone anyone should ever hear. Persons can be demeaned and belittled, but not behaviour: Behaviour doesn’t have emotions, dignity, whatever.

barsoap, (edited )

Current-day Linus wouldn’t react much differently. Cut the “shut the fuck up”, the one or other “fuck” (but not all, some need to be there for emphasis), done. It’s the real personal shit, the “should be aborted retroactively” stuff, that he cut out. “Obvious garbage and idiocy” is a technical term, programmers apply it to their own work all the time. Compilers are more technical in their language but we know what they mean.

And was this mail, seen in its total impact, a hardship? He went down hard, yes, and thousands upon thousands of Linux users breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Mauro’s attitude towards userland doesn’t fly.

The hardest-hitting sentence in that mail is actually “You have shown yourself to not be competent in this issue”. Absolutely devastating. Taking context into account it’s the equivalent of telling a professional cook that their ingredients suck, what they did with them sucks, and most of all that the gall which which they claimed that the customer is wrong about their dinner sucking is completely, and utterly, unprofessional.

Of course that’s hard on Mauro. There’s no way to tell someone about such an epic cock-up without being hard. But not going that far, avoiding that hardship for some notion of civility, now that would be right-out cruel.

barsoap, (edited )

The current minister for national security is a straight-up blood and soil fascist, both him and Netanyahu are implicated in calls to assassinate Yitzhak Rabin. Netanyahu himself is in quite some legal trouble over corruption, not to mention that he should be in trouble over, at the very least, overseeing systematic war crimes (settlement in occupied territories). Plenty of Israelis, especially family of Hamas victims/hostages (largely lefties btw) right-out blame him for allowing the attacks to happen – Israel had the intel, yet the IDF was withdrawn from the Gaza border to back up settlers harassing Palestinians in the west bank. There’s no chance in hell they’re going to survive the next elections.

It may be a bit of an edgelord take but as long as there’s Kahanites in Israel’s government calling them a bunch of murderous cunts really isn’t off-base: Kahanites definitely are that and the rest are tolerating it and therefore at least complicit.


It’s actually more sociology I’d say as we’re talking more about class and class relations than how the economy upholds them: MLs don’t have state power upholding economic relations to uphold class relations they hold up class relations by direct state power.

Anyway “state capitalism” is the term Lenin coined to describe what he did, precisely because the Bolsheviks didn’t move to a classless society but replaced nobility and bourgeois with the nomenklatura: Still a ruling class in control of everything. Say what you want about the man but he wasn’t dishonest. The whole thing was done under Marx’ theory that capitalism first has to bring about productivity enhancements etc. before actual communism is possible which is bullshit in general but was probably accurate in its historical and geographic context, question of course being a) did you really need to replace an authoritarian hellhole with another authoritarian hellhole, in that regard Russia has only made a modicum of progress in the last, what, 800 years and b) why would centrally-planned capitalism be more, or even just as, effective at technological and productivity progress than at least some semblance of a market and competition. They took the worst aspect of historical capitalism and removed all the parts which actually bring about progress.


About 75% of Israeli are Jews, the plurality of which (~45%) are Mizrahi, that is, from North Africa or Asia. And yes they lean quite a bit more right in elections than Ashkenazi. In no particular order: Lack of democratic and enlightenment tradition in their ancestral countries, poor and uneducated background, being told “yeah this is our birthright the Arabs don’t belong here” and actually believing it, as well as resentment against leftists because becoming a manager or boss in Israel is quite impossible without a good education and in the first big immigration waves all the power was held by mostly lefty Ashkenazi.

If you want accuse Israel of being ethnically supremacist, well, it’s a minority but they’re as troublesome as everywhere else and currently in government, but in any don’t get fucking “white” involved in there. Ben-Gvir’s family is from Iraq he didn’t learn to be an assclown from Europeans.


The males, yes. Redguard women are subbier, more dazzling, and have more stamina than Nord women. Good base race for a skill over brawn fighter, see Syrio Forel, no points wasted on pointless magic capabilities. Also fun side observation: Female orcs are just as strong as the males but smarter and have, singular among all races, less charisma than the males. Also the lowest overall.

You kinda have to try hard to be offended by the thing. I guess though the differences between human races shouldn’t be as pronounced (modulo Bretons with all their Aldmer blood) but I guess every race needs its 50 stat. Oh and imperials being the smarmy ones makes sense.


As a DIYer Linux from Scratch obviously.

barsoap, (edited )

which is primarily handling word documents, viewing PDFs, watching evidence videos, and online research. But my concern is that some of the more commonly used video types might have trouble on Linux, or that some of the word document templates I use in Windows might have compatibility issues.

PDFs, at least static ones, are no issue, you can download Okular to trial-run that. Neither are video codecs: On windows you can give mpv or vlc a spin, both play practically everything under the sun^1^

MS Office is the actually iffy point. If it’s just your own templates that’s not much of an issue, you can migrate them in one fell swoop (and re-do them while at it probably making them better), but if you have to regularly deal with templates or worse advanced Excel stuff produced by others then that’s going to be a never-ending saga. As with video, you can trial-run that stuff by installing LibreOffice on windows. Dunno whether that’s an option for lawyers but you could also use the online version of MS Office.

What else might I need to know to use Linux comfortably from the get go? Is it going to take a lot of time and effort to get Linux running how I need it to?

It also runs in a VM. You can give different distros a spin without committing anything but a bit of bandwidth and disk space. Next step: Boot from USB to go over hardware support.

^1^ except variable bitrate realmedia, the only thing that ever seems to have been encoded with it is the ArsDigita lecture series, now re-coded on youtube no issue. The reaction on IRC when I asked about that more than 10 years ago was “It’s always those lectures, isn’t it” and “No”. Side note in case you have some time to kill


Human interactions are governed by culture at least as much as they are by biology.

And evolutionary psychology is not claiming that it isn’t. Your strawman is essentialist pseudoscience, agreed.


Now that is how you drop an office politics nuke.

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