They’re not his bodyguards. They’re there to hold him back as long as they can while you run away. This is not to give you an chance to escape, but because he gets disappointed and sad if the hunt is over too soon.
Either way, around here I almost always see both end up doing stupid shit on the road. I don’t give a fuck what you’re driving. Obey the rules of the road, follow the flow of traffic, be aware of your surroundings, and for fucks sake, signal properly and clearly! Nobody’s in a race. We can all get where we’re going safely and timely if y’all just stop acting like you’re escaping a war zone!
Y’see, what ya do is take yer two cords and cut the ends off. Strip the wire and tie 'em together. Then ya wrap em in electrical tape so they’re water tight! Bam! Problem solved!
I learned to sew when I was little, so I have no qualms busting out the kit to put a few stitches in something. It’s not a hard skill to pick up, and definitely something I think everyone should learn. Especially in this day and age, where everything is so damn expensive! Your stitches don’t have to be perfect, they just have to hold.
I think everyone owes it to themselves to experience it. One of my best friends waited until a couple years ago to finally see it. She was terrified, but still thinks Fizzgig is one of the most adorable things ever. Which he is. How can you not love this face?
Thank you for being a good person anyway! Your plans may both have been ruined, but you’re a hero to that guy! You’ll both remember each other for the rest of your lives!