Appreciate it but I’ve always found “lifting heavy” sssssoooooooooo fecking boring!!! I’d sooner do 30-60mins of intense Ashtanga yoga, a JJ class or even a quick run. The thought of lifting heavy objects puts me to sleep.
I used to own a load of weights and a rack. I spent hundreds on a home gym but after 6 months I wanted to murder everyone and myself! It was SO frustrating. I dunno how people do it cos it just isn’t for me. I’m getting on a bit (40) so I defo need to do something to keep myself active. I may go back to yoga. Ashtanga has lots of static bodyweight holds & lifts so it’s not just stretching.
Ooooh yeah don’t bother with Ghosts. He’s been going for ~40yrs and his Ghosts stuff is more like his creative common free music he gives to people.
I started on With Teeth album but his top albums are often considered to be Downward Spiral and Fragile.
If I was you I’d listen to Downward Spiral, the Fragile then With Teeth. After that maybe try Pretty Hate Machine which is slightly more dark-poppy-shynth-wave.
Gotta be Nine Inch Nails! I’ve seen them twice and now Atticus is officially part of NIN with Trent they count as a proper band rather than a solo artist! ;)
Holy shit that’s the bastard that hurts and tightens when I don’t walk around enough or I lay on the sofa too long on my back.
When I get up my back will be bent forward and tight. It feels so tight round the back and inside it feels like I’m shorter at the waist. Weird, horrible feeling. It goes away if I pivot round on my hips and walk round a bit.
I’ve found what aggravates it most is if I’m on my back and have my legs up. Basically the more L-shaped my body is on it’s side or back (legs up) the worse it gets. If I do lots of walking or running it loosens it up.
Motherfucking QL - I see you now you bastard. I know where you live! I know what you look like! I’m gonna fuck you up!
I kept buying Pi Zero Ws, hats and phats then put them all in a drawer cos I couldn’t decide what to do with them. I think I’ve got about 7 or 8. I really should do something with them.