I wish I was taught about the usefulness of maths growing up. When I did A-level with differentition and integration I quickly forgot as I didn’t see a point in it.
At about 35 someone mentioned diff and int are useful for loan repayment calculations, savings and mortgages.
I didn’t plan to sit down and write a literature analysis on the comic so I’m not sure. Your idea could work but it’s a comic, it’s not worth fighting over…
As a rampant homosexual who’s done lots of dick-focused study - there’s a scar and it has different levels of noticability. Some are faint, some jagged, some with mismatched colours, some bright red, etc.
There’s health benefits to removing the appendix and tonsils too - so why isn’t it done wholesale on every kid born?
Because it’s fucking barbaric chopping bits of you up without necessity.
On top of that as science has progressed - guess what? They think both the tonsils and appendix have a purpose. They’re important for immunity.
But there was never a fucking doubt that the foreskin has a purpose in human beings. So the removal of it for “health benefits” really is scraping the fucking barrel.
But the loudest anti-circumcision advocates tend to have truly awful surrounding politics.
Maybe in the US? But Europeans reading about circumcision just find you all a bit weird for the practice and will comment accordingly that they think it’s barbaric and/or weird.