that graphic shows that the feed that is given to animals is almost entirely the industrial waste from oil production. it’s called “soy meal” or “soy cake”
looks to me like cattle get very little of the global soy crop, and most of what is fed to livestock is, as i said, the parts of the plant left over after we’ve taken what we want for ourselves.
most cows mostly eat grass for most of their lives. whole corn is fed as a treat to entice them to eat the rest of the silage it’s sprinkled on (in my experience).
whole corn and soybean are some of the primary cattle feed. The majority of all soybean grown in North America is used as cattle feed and corn is a large market segment.
a lot of what we give to animals as feed is parts of plants we can’t or won’t eat,like silage. if we grow and use the part of the plant we want,and we can reclaim some more of the resources through animals,that’s good.