The dog is the only one that can’t actually consent to space travel, and regardless, couldn’t possibly know the risks. It is innocent, and doesn’t deserve a violent fate.
Everyone else knows that they signed up to live in a metal box, with an artificial biosphere, which is all that separates them from the cold void of deep space. Also, said deep space is jam-packed full of things trying to actively break that metal box, if the crew doesn’t beat them to it first. And nobody knows that better than Seven.
I’m also a fan of Discovery’s take on this trope: Everyone is going to die unless we do something immediately, but let’s monologue and/or argue for five on-screen minutes first.
I don’t know what condition c/Risa was in before you got here but you clearly helped build the phenomenon it is today. I know that, by your own admission, you’re (re)posting largely out of a hand-built database of old Trek memes, lovingly archived from elsewhere. But I wouldn’t think that a small task - it’s a lot more effort than any of us shitposters ever summoned for a few laughs. So, we’re all standing on your shoulders to an extent. And all of it has been the highlight of my post-Reddit online reading this year, so thanks for everything.
No matter when/how this show ends, it’ll be the same way, and it’ll be far too soon.
Also: is Pike aware that he’s functionally immortal until the clock runs out? There’s ample evidence that his future is unavoidable, so he’d have to come to this conclusion by now, right?
Considering what goes into the more hard-core outfits, they deserve respect for their dedication. And there are lots of outlets for that too, which is great (e.g. SCA).
However, if someone gets their tabbard in a bunch because some sci-fi cosplayers ruined their sense of immersion, at what is arguably a pay-to-enter medieval-themed shopping mall, they may deserve what they get.
A lot of the Faire folk I have met are just happy people are participating and having a good time, and if you put effort into a costume, even better.
These people are the backbone of every Faire. Huzzah!
Lower Decks has the Tamarian lexicon dialed in, and I’m here for it. Especially when it’s explained that the universal translator can’t always figure Tamarian out, suggesting that Kayshon is speaking in more simple terms half the time.
But the single greatest use of this meme has to be in “Crisis Point 2” (S3x8).
In that episode, we see Ransom, Shaxs, and Kayshon break into the science lab to get the drop on Romulan invaders. Kayshon fires the first surprise shot shouting “Temba!”.
What I love about this is that “Temba, his arms wide” is a fond greeting. But in context, gives his remark more or less the same energy as “say hello to my little friend” or “surprise, motherfuckers!”
Kayshon, shooting first, when the Romulans invaded.
One of the consequences of a wisely used but small budget. Simple sets and costumes, plus a LOT of creative lighting. All that’s left are actors to fill that otherwise empty-feeling space on the stage.
Also, color TV was in its infancy, so networks used the medium to compete for viewer attention. It really looks like NBC made sure that every scene was as vibrant as possible. But now that I think about it, it also had to “read” well in B/W too.
Edit: @StillPaisleyCat corrected me here. TOS was indeed an expensive show, which upon rewatching (as I am today), becomes more evident the longer you look at it.
Stargate: For the time, it did the Trek format incredibly well if not better. First season was rough, but oddly found its feet when SciFi took over (weird, right?) Good characters, great villains, fantastic arcs. The show “ends” multiple times, with the last few seasons being less than fan favorites. That said, if you love the characters by the end you may find yourself putting up with late season plot devices. Atlantis is good too, but shorter with slightly less compelling plot hooks. The short-lived SGU sequel/spinoff is has this man-v-man flavor not unlike DSC season 1, but doesn’t stand on its own lore-wise.
Babylon 5: The even more grounded DS9. But like the oft-compared Trek series, the production values are a 1990’s time-capsule, which (today) has a kind of charm to it. The story arcs center around diplomacy, subterfuge, spycraft, and interstellar war, all told in a universe that is delightfully consistent and charts its own territory. Characters play off each other incredibly well once the series gets going.
Galactica: I’m going to assume you mean the reboot*. This is a gripping serial epic with very few filler and bottle episodes. Characters grow and evolve, allegiances change, motivations shift, ethics are challenged, and whole personalities get re-written. You can slap “space opera” on the box and be correct, but you can’t describe more than two character arcs without filling your mouth with crazy nonsense. Yet somehow, it all works brilliantly and draws you in over and over again. It stands apart from the source material, but has lots of nods and references to the original so that the old farts in the audience are enthused.
(* The original BSG is a hot mess of amazing-for-the-time effects, cool characters, great concepts, and bad studio interference. Best enjoyed using mind-altering substances because that’s clearly what the writers were doing)
I love how much this fits her character. Leaving the collective and rehabilitating to “normal” life, emotional development was core to her character over Voyager’s arc. So a late “teenage angst” arc would only make sense, even if it didn’t exactly fit the age of the character.
Then again, we kinda/sorta get this in Picard, just without the goth aesthetic.
There were endless moments in season 3 that would have been solved by reaching out to the progressive Borg collective from the season 2 finale. Not to mention that a few character arcs and character development moments that just seem suspiciously absent in season 3. So, is the entirety of season 2 not cannon or am I missing...
What part of this are you not understanding, Beverly? (
Computer, make art (
No, you two return to the ship. That's an order. (
Car Talk with Martok - Not Comfortable in your Occupation? (
Car Talk with Martok. Every Thursday on !startrekmemes...
Relationship Goals (
I'd watch it. (
Best Captain in Starfleet (
No I’m not accepting any arguments, thank you
The Department of Temporal Investigations is on the case (
Look, I'm guilty too. (
I’ve been trying and it is genuinely difficult. ETA: This isn’t a dig at anyone. Love you all.
There's an anomalous power signature in the neon FTL ramscoop. (
Technobabble Generator
Every freaking time. Shaxs in shambles. (
Sometimes, phasers aren't enough. (
I’m back, and I’m home.
Even Tamarians only have so much patience. (
Kirk always knows how to find his perfect lighting. (
But who is Star Trek Voyager? (
Have you assholes never heard of Chain of Command?!?! (
Thanks to @JordanLaFordan over on Mastodon for shooting this over to me. Far too accurate.
Are you REALLY a fan? (
DSC Season 5, LD Season 5, SNW Season 3.... GIVE IT TO ME NOW (
The tattoo artist knew exactly how to capture those curves (
With all due respect, Captain, I am the head of Starfleet IT, and I have it on good authority that if you try to replicate a replicator, you can break the space time continuum. (
Starring Locutus as Edward Scissor Hands (
Difficult Terrain (
A question about ST: Picard - is season 2 completely ret-conned?
There were endless moments in season 3 that would have been solved by reaching out to the progressive Borg collective from the season 2 finale. Not to mention that a few character arcs and character development moments that just seem suspiciously absent in season 3. So, is the entirety of season 2 not cannon or am I missing...
And both are examples of a TV show with ADHD (
So. Much. Velour.