With all the die hard Linux enthusiasts in the fediverse, it’s nice to see such a sane and reasonable take. Linux is great for hobbyists and for specific use cases and I’ve been there, but it doesn’t really make sense for the general consumer who just wants shit to work.
I think it would be easier to go to thebank now and then to exchange some of your $100 for lower value bills than to do the opposite.
Besides, if there are places that don’t take bills less than $20, there are a lot of places that aren’t going to let you pay with only $1 bills. I can’t imagine a car dealership letting you do that. Or if you want to buy a home, etc.
When I worked as a cashier in a grocery store many years ago, someone gave me some checks to pay their bill. I didn’t even look at the damn thing, just inputted the numbers it said and started running them through the check machine. It seemed to go through the machine correctly.
But just then the manager ran over and stopped the transaction. They were fake checks.
I guess silly me assumed things would just automatically not go through in the modern age, but I guess it showed me that I really have no idea how check machines like that work.
Still don’t, but I don’t work that job anymore so it doesn’t matter.