I don’t expect it either, which is why these things don’t make sense anymore, and why I actually recently passed them up for an X86 competitor. Prices of RPi’s have inflated, supply has gone down to nothing, and all the while all sorts of competition has entered the SBC scene that provides a much better value.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the RPi and I feel like a real cool nerd with bare PCBs sitting around my house, but they’re just too expensive now.
From any practical standpoint, this makes so much sense.
Sometimes my Tesla fails to unlock for some reason and I have to disable my VPN and then stand next to it like a God damn idiot for 10 seconds while it calls it’s servers in fucking California to ask it to unlock my car.
Use container tabs or profiles in your favorite browser
Use dedicated apps like FreeTube, GrayJay, NewPipe, Invidious, LibreTube, etc. that don’t even ask for a login.
So is there an easy way to migrate all your stuff to some other email service and what are some good ones?
So you can set up a free Proton Mail account and then connect it to your Google account and it will begin archiving all of your emails, past and future. It also has a way better web client than Gmail (not saying much).
This is the great thing about FOSS. Someone else will just take the code and reupload it. If they want it removed from GitHub, they can deal with Microsoft. At which point it’ll just be re-uploaded again. There’s nothing illegal about it.
So Haier suffers the Streisand effect and the people who want to simply continue using it.