I don’t really know, other than the other 2 are updated on a nearly daily basis and Chimera is Arch-based (like SteamOS) with Gnome UI while Bazzite is Fedora-based.
LOL profit is the motive of literally every business on the planet. You don’t even need “basic economics” to understand that.
As James Downey once said: “What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this sub is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
Well there’s a very realistic 3rd option where people get tired of the cat and mouse game and either suck it up and watch the ads or pony up for YouTube premium…?
Proton indexes your mail also now and I’ve had the exact opposite experience. Gmail and G Workspace in general is a fucking shitshow to find absolutely anything.
I understood your point. My point is those electronics make it more convenient to use. Would I appreciate ALSO having a physical unlock mechanism? Sure. It also increases the attack surface.
Cars have had electronic remote keyless entry for decades.
When I pointed out that that makes no difference…then you switched to another reason.
It’s not another reason. It’s the same reason.
If it wasn’t encrypted it would be trivial to spin up a local integration like Google or MS already have.
Since it is encrypted, it makes it significantly more complicated to develop. While this development may make sense on MS or Mac, it doesn’t on Linux, because it requires more resources and serves a much much smaller number of users.
I’ve already explained all of this in the previous comments.
My Proton Vpn on linux install works
“Works” is right. Like I said, it’s extremely basic compared to it’s MS and Mac counterparts.
the e-mail bridge works
Notice how MS and Mac get fully-featured desktop clients and all Linux gets is a “bridge” to connect to an inbox client developed by someone else.
Actually their pages say it is hard to find Linux devs for desktop, and that is why it is slow.
Again, the reason is irrelevant. The point is, it ain’t happening.
And as far as critisim you said specifically not as good as google, so I provide a reason why. you can’t then change you tact and say it wasn’t critism
That’s not “changing tact”. It’s not as good as Google from a user perspective. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it’s own merits. I pay for a Proton subscription rather than use a free, much more fully-featured Google one, so I obviously understand the value proposition. I also understand it’s shortcomings.
You seem to keep moving goal posts here so have a good rest of your week.
I don’t suppose you want to elaborate on what goal posts I’ve supposedly moved?