Then, shalt thou warp to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the factor thou shalt warp, and the number of the warping shalt be three. Four shalt thou not warp, nor either warp thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.
Once the number three, being factor warped, then lobbest thou thy photon torpedo towards thy foe, who being naughty, shall snuf it.
houston ... (
Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space (
It just doesn't stop.
Yeah, very sorry that this app is Windows only, would love to switch to Mac (
Stolen from Deltachat
Stanley Kubrick is a magician (
The Dread Nausicaan Roberts did not kill him in the morning... (
The man, the myth, the legend (
If you can find them.... (
History ™ (
The classics never die. (
The misuse of Q-Tips was a problem even in the 23rd century (
There's an anomalous power signature in the neon FTL ramscoop. (
Technobabble Generator
Golden Girls & Spock (
Gardening tip (
Tea Mom (
I have no idea why I’m trying to make this a thing.
High Fashion Doesn't Change (