Seriously I’m 15 minutes into the history of computer generated sound and am still wondering wtf this has to do with cracking music. This is some next level autistic shit. 10/10.
dancing is for everyone, just gotta find the right headspace
This is exactly it. I used to hate dancing because I felt that I couldn’t dance and everyone would look at me and laugh. It took a bit to realize that literally no one who is dancing is judging the other people around them. They’re just out there moving around and having a good time. You can literally walk on to a dance floor and just vaguely move around a bit bouncing your head, and you’ll fit right in.
Part of me wants to show The Land Before Time to my kids, cause it was such a great movie. The other part of me knows that Little Foot’s mom dying (sorry, 1980s spoilers) would absolutely wreck them.
Haha I was just talking to someone the other day about how much I loved Howard the Duck growing up. She was like “uhh… that wasn’t really a kid’s movie, was it?” Maybe not. Maybe it and similar movies are the reason us millennials are the way we are.
I remember HBO used to have a new movie on at something like 6:00PM every Friday. But I didn’t know what the movie would be ahead of time. So I would start the VCR recording as soon as I saw that screen at 6:00, then would wait patiently to see what the movie was that I was recording, hoping it was gonna be something good
Honestly, it did kind of psychologically have that effect. I remember thinking “Damn, these people have a shit load of towels. People must be buying a lot more towels than I do. Maybe I should be replacing my towels more often.”
Is it really less weight though? If you have to carry in the towels and carry in the water, then combine them, isn’t that the same as carrying them already combined? Same thing with space. You’re compressing the towel but you still have to carry in the water.