Maybe I’m just old and stuck in my ways, but I don’t see the upside here. Why would I need Google’s AI to be able to tell the tone of my messages and respond appropriately. They’re my messages. People send me messages to talk to me. In what world do I want to remove myself from that process?
If my wife texts me and says “when are you going to be home from work?” I don’t want an AI looking at my chat history and making a guess. I want to tell her what I have going on right now and respond. If a friend asks me if I wanna hang out this weekend, I don’t want AI checking my calendar and seeing I’m free and then agreeing to plans. I want to think about it and come to a decision myself.
Can someone smarter than me point to an actual good use case for this?
Yeah mine has gotten worse over time as well. When I was a teenager, I could eat anything. Now if I get a half scoop of the Chipotle hot salsa on my burrito, I’ll start feeling it 3 or 4 hours later. It sucks.
You should definitely avoid XtremeHD IPTV ( For $15 a month, it’s way too cheap to offer all the live TV, movies, and series that it does. The article specifically mentions low pricing as a red flag, and I can definitely say that compared to what you’d normally pay for every live channel (including the premium ones and pay per view), series, and any just about any movie you can think of, this is most definitely a service that you should steer clear of.
Nah. I have friends that are alcoholics and this guy ain’t one. But a beer in his hand and a giant truck in the driveway might make you think he’s a blue collar bad ass instead of a skinny nerdy engineer.
Sorry, that was a very personal reference to a neighbor of mine. He does it all the time, so she’ll do stuff like make dinner and then he just doesn’t come home. When she texts him to find out if he’s working late, he’ll be like “I had to fly to Montana for work.”
He’s the most stereotypical stubborn Republican that I can imagine. He considers himself a libertarian because he doesn’t want to pay taxes for pesky things like roads and schools. But he also has very strong feelings that women shouldn’t be able to get abortions, which shouldn’t really jive with the small government thing. He’s a solid red voter down ballot every election.
I live in a very conservative neighborhood and can say that stubbornness seems to play a huge, huge part of it. But I also wouldn’t discount the insecurity that plays into a lot of conservative men as well. The kind that buys huge trucks, just to commute to an office job. The kind that tries overly hard to impress you in weird “manly” ways, like always having a beer in their hand when they know you’re coming over for something.
Basically half the guys around here are either stubborn dickheads who do things like refuse to tell their wives when they’re going out of town for work - and the other half are dudes constantly trying to validate their manhood by projecting a flimsy aura of toughness. Frankly, it’s exhausting.
Is there some sort of strategy going on here? Like, these dudes looked at Trump and whatever the fuck is happening on his head and went, “well if it worked for him it’ll work for me?”
I have to drop my daughter off at dance class for 45 minutes every week. Fortunately there’s a Taco Bell nearby that led me to discover the wonder that is Baja Blast Zero. Now it gives me something to look forward to every week.
I love me some Legal Eagle, but this video is 2 years old and at the beginning he says they don’t have the full facts yet and everything is speculative since they don’t know what happened. I’m wondering if there’s anything more recent with more info about what actually happened.
Normally I’d be on board with this, but the picture is literally in front of an elementary school! If there’s any place that I’m ok having speed cameras, it’s in a school zone.
But yeah, if it’s a speed camera on a major highway raking in cash for everyone going 10 over? Fuuuuuuuck that.