Pat Finnerty on YouTube does a great series called What Makes This Song Stink. It’s definitely not for everyone, as he doesn’t give a shit about YouTube algorithms and keeping videos to an ideal length. But has a recent hour long video on Jason Aldean’s Try That in a Small Town. The video (Pat Finnerty’s not Jason Aldean’s) is phenomenal.
Unfortunately, I think you’re probably right. We keep seeing it over and over again. The judicial system continues to move slowly with as many delays and roadblocks as possible. When judgements are made, they are stayed during an appeal so they have no teeth. The farce of the Supreme Court will never let anything bad happen to their dear leader. They will delay, delay, delay until Trump is either reelected - in which case he’ll pardon himself. Or until a new president is elected in 2028. If it’s a Republican, they’ll pardon Trump on day 1. If it’s a Democrat, the Republicans in Congress will find some way to force a presidential pardon in order to keep the government funded or some other bullshit.
I think there’s a 0% chance Trump ever sees a single day in prison. Even if none of what I said above happens, he’d get a slap on the wrist at worst. I would LOVE to be proven wrong. But I’m not holding my breath.
The problem is Trump is both the cause and the symptom of a very broken Republican party. He definitely brings out the worst in his supporters, but they also bring out the worst in him. You saw when he tried to encourage vaccines and his supporters turned on him instantly, so he had to quickly back track.
I think, like you said, the only way he can attempt to steer the MAGA-ship at this point is to offer solutions that blatantly look like he’s doing it to own the libs. He can’t say “get the vaccine because it’ll prevent you from dying.” He’d have to say, “Biden is trying to take away the beautiful vaccine I created. He wants to give it to illegal immigrants instead of hard working people like you! The deep state is trying to trick you to believe that the vaccine is poison so they can give it to their pedophile leaders so they can be safe, while you good, Christian patriots are dying.”
Every day it becomes more clear to me that humans evolved to survive to an age where we can have kids, raise them past infancy, and that’s it. Any time you get after that is basically a crime against nature.
I honestly don’t think little kids understand what people mean when they say “be careful”. When my kids were younger, I’d say something like “be careful the sidewalk is icy!” and they’d just run full speed and slip on the ice.
I think kids just think “be careful” is just something nice you say like “good luck”.
One of my neighbors named their daughter “Stormy” after Odd Thomas’s >!dead!< girlfriend. When I asked him if he and his wife were big fans of the books, he said that they’d never read the books before. But they’d seen the movie.
He told me this several years ago and it still annoys me to this day.