I’ve found that when I want to kill a crush I can start looking for characteristics I dislike. Everyone has them and early on in infatuation we gloss over them. But intentionally highlight them and that crush usually goes away pretty quick. Works for me anyway
My prices have come down quite a bit over the past few months. It was a stretch to feed myself on $250 but now I’m ending the month with a few dollars left over
Yea idk, when I disagree with something it’s usually because I’ve given it the chance to convince me and it failed. And if I agree with something it’s because I’ve taken the time to understand it. It would be a bit weird to not feel like things I agree with are the right, or better, direction and that the things I disagree with are somehow broken in their reasoning.
I’m definitely annoyed by the lack of praise for America. She was brilliant in the role and personified the movie. Margo played the means to tell the story, but America was the story. Don’t get me wrong, Margo was amazing and deserved a nomination too, but so did America who seems to be forgotten in the whole mess of the movie for some reason. She had the single most impactful scene in the movie with her monologue about how hard it is to be a woman.