Look at the Zerotier vpn model. They have several instances hosted all over the world that the client app running on user devices initially contact. These instances are in essence federated even if they use a different term for it.
The instance then gives each client a list of peers and how to reach them, and the clients attempt to reach each other directly, bypassing the instance where possible.
Both models work together. There’s no need for locking into one and ignoring the other. Use the best tool for the job at hand.
Processed cheese is not cheese. It’s rubber that won’t hold air. It’s cheese product. The only acceptable use for processed cheese slices is throwing at your little brother. I wouldn’t even feed those to a dog.
You just gonna gloss over the whistle dog? C’mon now.
Take two fingers of cheese and nestle a fried or boiled weiner betwixt. Wrap that thoroughly in long strips of lightly cooked peppered bacon, and poke some toothpicks through to hold it all together. Broil in the oven until the cheese starts to get melty. Bonus points if you get some sear on the bacon before all the cheese escapes. Put that on a toasted bun with garlic butter. Remember to remove the toothpicks. Serve with salsa fries or poutine.