Don’t discount how much marketing convinces people they need to just buy new shit every few years either. I’ve seen a lot of perfectly functioning appliances replaced just because someone saw something they thought was nicer “on sale”.
It’s more than just having to charge them I wouldn’t even really consider that much of a downside with how long they last. I haven’t yet ran out of charge before I was ready to take mine out. The actual downsides are- Wireless earbuds are expensive. The batteries in them wear out over time and you have to buy all new ones which is wasteful. Bluetooth adds a noticeable delay that sucks when watching video. My car doesn’t have bluetooth so I need a headphone jack for AUX. I have both and like wireless ones when I’m on the go but if I’m stationary wired don’t cause any problems.
I never had a problem with a “flimsy back cover” or it coming off when I didn’t want it to on any of the phones I had. I’m still using my LG V20 from 2016 and it’s fine. I can get a new battery $20 and do it myself in seconds. A big reason why I haven’t bough a new phone is because I’ve been able to do that and nothing that has come out since then has as many features while getting ever more expensive.
Hearing the movie is getting bad reviews. But Snyder says the director’s cut will be a completely different movie with a different vision. I admit Zack Snyder’s Justice League (director’s cut) was much better than the theatrical version and quite different (though I had mostly forgotten the original by then). Not sure if I...
I thought it was alright but I’d wait til the sequel or however many movies they’re making are done. Netflix likes to cancel shit in the middle. They’re doing the 7 samurais thing which I dig but I don’t want to watch half of it and then they pull the rug out.
I had a similar experience trying to install a m.2 drive in my win7 PC. It needed a hotfix to work but Microsoft had taken down the downloads so I ended up finding out it was in an update pack from I think Lenovo’s website and pulled it out of that.
Would love to know what you guys think and your reasoning for it. I’m starting to see a lot of Apple Watches/Fitbits/Galaxy Watches in my area compared to more traditional timepieces.
We could avoid it if people would stop acting like fucking clowns and parroting every stupid thing they’ve ever read that happens to align with their views.
Absolutely not. Pretending that capitalism doesn’t work the way capitalism works is a certain dead-end for your argument.
Wtf does that even mean?. The point is there will still be a demand for goods whether it’s produced by a farm/factory owned by one individual or a collective of workers. They’ll still be consuming the water.
That is one piss-poor justification for the status quo.
I’m not justifying anything. All I’m trying to do is explain to you that resources are finite and too many people will burn through them. If you don’t think poor people can be greedy and wasteful then I encourage you to get out more.
The people at the top aren’t worried about population growth these days, Clyde - they are worried about population reversal. You wanna know why?
The only reason I ever hear for that is from racists because it’s the white people that slowed down the most. Population projections for the world do not show a decline. Unless of course you take the lack of resources into account…
I'm really getting over the enshitification of the internet. (
Wonderful holiday scents (
The four houses dads belong to. (
You can only pick one (
Looks like DRM prevented to watch movies in many theaters yesterday (
From the article:...
How to start the day off strong (
What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost? (
For me it’s the notification light you used to find on older phones, was particularly good to know if your phone was charged without picking it up
Listen (
Should I wait for the "Snyder cut" (director's cut) of Rebel Moon?
Hearing the movie is getting bad reviews. But Snyder says the director’s cut will be a completely different movie with a different vision. I admit Zack Snyder’s Justice League (director’s cut) was much better than the theatrical version and quite different (though I had mostly forgotten the original by then). Not sure if I...
What hobby do you have that no one else in your family shares?
It's cheaper is what it is (
*Cries in Debt* (
Oh No, anyway (
It's OK if you cry (
Do you prefer to wear a smartwatch or a regular watch?
Would love to know what you guys think and your reasoning for it. I’m starting to see a lot of Apple Watches/Fitbits/Galaxy Watches in my area compared to more traditional timepieces.
People of Lemmy that take more than 5 seconds to start your car and drive, what are you doing?
As the title says…what are you all doing?
Were this the ‘good ole times’ they always talk about? (
Never has never will (