Nah, coming from data and signal processing fields, I think AI is overused by ppl that are incompetent. There are much more elegant, measurable and efficient ways of signal processing.
Anybody can use AI, okay. But is still a shitty solution.
The native population had been wiped out by the malware of their own creation. Only the Linux users survived, but turned blind because they stare at their monitors and don’t go out much.
Didn’t knew about the Debian part I thought they said that they will ship an installer with non-free by default and another installer which you can configure.
Btw I’m on my way to build a new x220 with libreboot and GUIX can we get more free than that? Xd
Sophie's choice 70s edition (
We must resist (
A pre-historic city was discovered in the Antarctic. (
The native population had been wiped out by the malware of their own creation. Only the Linux users survived, but turned blind because they stare at their monitors and don’t go out much.
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meme (
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Image of fox sleeping on a log
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third try, something is broken with image upload I think.
every damn time ... (
Just because it’s better than windows doesn’t make it good (
Monster (