subsonic ammo is a thing, esp. for suppressed firearms - that way you never get a crack, and only hear the mechanical action of the assemblies reciprocating.
SHAME. Shame these selfish fucks every fucking second they are in the public. I want to see a 4 year old give musk the finger. I want to hear a 7 year old shout “SELFISH CUNT” at bezos. I want everyone they interact with who’s not on their payroll to roll their eyes and say “oh no everyone watch out, mr “I need to horde billions” is here. What do you fucking want?”
invective has always been a valuable tool against the arsehole polity.
I kid, I kid, my parents are already dead, not everyone who was/is a boomer is horrid. But this generation has hung around power for too long, it’s time to move on.
it’s amazing when you cross over the border into WA state and the giant video billboards every 2m evaporate, and you can see trees and mountains everywhere.
this was my youth, we still fucking walked / biked everywhere, even in the deep south’s 100+ degree temps. people who think europe is an non-automotive utopia: this is a recent trend - it took time to build out the infrastructures (PLURAL) that replace driving everywhere, and even then it’s taking time to get the cars out of the cities.
There’s no shame in making a counter-proposal, especially if your terms benefit each party more than the originally proffered proposal stipulated in their proposal documentation.
even if you dislike birds, cats don’t limit their murdersprees to just birds. they’re an invasive species; do yours a favor and keep it in like I do. Their lives are longer and better.
Love finding me. I’m not particularly feely and didn’t have examples of loving couples growing up. Did not see that coming, wasn’t on the horizon at all. Got lucky.