Certain things, yes. Certain other things, not at all.
As much as I hate Elon Musk the company he owns that does space stuff pretty rapidly got a whole lot of new rockets up and got them to land instead of crashing into the sea. The newest govt produced rocket, the SLS, was years late and billions of dollars over budget, and they expend the rockets.
spaceX did some cool stuff. That being said, fuck Elon Musk, he had nothing to do with any of its success.
whether you’re atheist or not, judaism, christianity and islam (as well as several other smaller religions) are all abrahamic, meaning that they all stem from the same root religion. theyve all evolved over time, but in essence, the god they worship is literally the same one throughout all three.
yeah but, like, would you share your joint with anyone? In my culture, if you’re with friends, you puff and pass. But i don’t think that applies to strangers walking up and asking you for a hit.