If you open Emacs in daemon+client mode (run emacs --daemon once, then emacsclient to open the window), buffers that you open in one client will be available on all other clients, even concurrently. Judging from a quick test (on hyprland), it also seems to open the file in the client located on the focused screen, but does not automatically open a new client if there is one already running on any screen.
Writing my letter of resignation, developing a Blender extension, and watching a streamer play Control (specifically the ashtray maze) for the first time.
Absolutely anything can be turned into a NAS, as long as you’re aware of your own needs and the hardware’s capabilities. A NAS is just a computer with some specific requirements.
When I first built my NAS, it only used parts that I got for free. A cheap micro ATX board with only two RAM slots, an i3-4160 CPU, 2x2G RAM, a worn-out SSD, and a 1T HDD. It couldn’t run something like TrueNAS, but it was enough for Proxmox and some Alpine containers running services like Samba, Transmission, Wireguard, and a small Debian VM for me to fuck around with. The single storage disk means there is no redundancy, so I only store replaceable data on it, like TV shows and installers.
There are many hardware-focused channels on video platforms that offer guides for budget home servers. Wolfgang’s Channel is good, and Hardware Haven and Raid Owl just finished a competition of building a sub-$200 home lab.
I never said they were communists. They are simply fascists who think they’re communists, or that their values align with communism. That’s why I’ve included present-day Russia. And yes, murder, rape, and pillage is exactly what the Russian invaders are doing to Ukrainians, and what the Chinese government’s military is doing to Uyghurs.
hungary thing
I guess that’s also fitting. It was the failed revolution of 1956 october 23rd, when organized rebels almost toppled the communist government in Budapest, but soviet tanks arrived and drove them back. It’s not nearly as well-known as Tiananmen Square, though.
isn’t that the same thing you get angry at tankies for?
This is what really pisses me off. You haven’t lived the reality that tankies want to restore and propagate. My great-grandfather fought against them and lost. My grandparents and parents lived under Stalinist rule. I was lucky enough to be born after its collapse.
Tankies are not an ethnicity, religion, or nationality. Nobody’s born a tankie, they pick up stupid and dangerous ideas that get reinforced in their online echo chamber, but without the reality check of having to live in the world they want to create.
Did you lose your ability to recognise sarcasm, or did it never develop in the first place?
Of course that’s not what he said, but the issue of web ads is much deeper than the ad revenue or no ad revenue question he is taking a stand on. It has been discussed ad nauseum by more technically minded people than him.
To ensure the Unix-like standard of maximum backwards compatibility. Vi (the original, before Vim) was made in an age where computer keyboards might not have had luxury features like arrow keys, but did have alphanumeric keys and minimally competent users. It has worked for almost half a century, so unless you’re Microsoft, why would you change it?
Even today, many people prefer it because you don’t have to move your hand far away from the home row while typing or navigating, and the modality gives the user a much greater toolkit (seriously, I just about nutted when I discovered d i "). Not having to rely on modifiers and the arrow keys also reduces the risk of the repeated stress injury known as Emacs pinky.