The day after the party with the Tieflings. My A-button wasn’t working, so I used the context menu to talk to people. Until I accidentally clicked on Attack instead of Talk....
I had to go buy a new controller for my honor mode playthrough because my old one had developed stick drift and in my tactician run I biffed a bunch of shots with Astarion because i would put the cursor on the person to shoot and when i hit x to shoot the stick would move at the last second.
All that is to say, I feel your pain and salute you and your fallen comrades.
Yes it does have applications nowadays but when gold was used as a monetary store we didn’t have electronics. Gold was mainly used because it is shiny, easily workable, rare, and never corroded.
Best Captain in Starfleet (
No I’m not accepting any arguments, thank you
Sensors report that sanity levels in this sector are decreasing rapidly, Captain (
Weapons of Gas Production (
The new Q episode is fire (
I love Karlach (
Missclicks in Honour Mode (
The day after the party with the Tieflings. My A-button wasn’t working, so I used the context menu to talk to people. Until I accidentally clicked on Attack instead of Talk....
Do you understand pain? Death? Leave this place before she finds you (
A still from the TNG episode “Masks” picturing Lt cmdr Data wearing a sunburst mask of Masaka. Text reads “Mariah is Waking”
I can't believe I'm saying this, but...Engage (
Just imagine (
Stanley Kubrick is a magician (
Remember to have fun at work (
Master of eastern martial arts (
I'm sorry. (
You grew up in Minsk, Worf. Did you never go outside? (
Italy refuses Munich museum’s request to return ancient Roman statue bought by Hitler (
Oh bother, it happened again. (
Trek Club (