Seems like actual viking burials were…burials…I’m no expert but skimming a few Google search results makes it seem like the burning ship thing never really happened, or at least rarely. Most vikings were ritually buried with weapons, grave goods and sacrifices. The burning boat thing is a Hollywood invention from a Thor myth maybe? Anyway this is why it’s not allowed in most places, you’d need a professional to administer it with as you say a specially constructed ship designed to fully create a body. Your family can’t tie together some logs and burn you themselves. So we’re right back to an expensive funeral industry, but now we get to witness the cremations outdoors so maybe a win.
In the books it’s very explicitly tobacco. However in the movies it was clearly meant to be psychoactive, if not actual cannabis. Either way sign me up for that organic Hobbit grown middle earth smoke.
Put me in the trash can at the park. (
The Shire is superior (
Wrong explanations only (
What a relief! I was kinda getting worried (
I want to thank everyone who gave me a bunch of great advice
𓇋𓇩𓋴𓆰𓏜𓄤𓆑𓂋𓏏 𓅨𓂋𓇓𓅱 (
apple users in a nutshell (