Netflix enshittification will continue until morale improves (
You liar! (
Edit It’s 17:08 now and it still shows 3 minutes...
Truly inspirational (
Pasta (
Come tell Tux🐧your Linux plans for next year to cheer him up (
It's a curse (
You should (
Roughing it (
We did it? (
4202 g (
Time is cruel (
Weapons of Gas Production (
In Germany we say "Arbeitnehmerrechte" and I think that's beautiful (
Ransomware (
Voyager S5 E26 Equinox
You just kind of get numb and accept it after a while (
Banned for not breaking the rules, but disagreeing with a mod (
This makes no sense to me. There’s people in the comments literally telling me to go kill myself and that’s fine but, me politely disagreeing is worthy of a 30 day ban.
Which one are you? (
ifn't (
Drinking in your 20s vs 30s [Sarah Anderson] (
Happy Holidays (
Full power (: (
Sugar, spice and too little nice (
"How do you know" by War and Peas (
Source: Website -RSS