Doctors hate him! This local man discovered... (

I like science fiction movies and series of all kinds, as long as the story is good. In the past I watched one or two Japanese science fiction movies and remember that I liked them very much (I don’t remember the titles, though)....
Dit is een reportage van: Gert-Jan Dennekamp & Bohdan Kinasjtsjoek....
The Brewery - A place to talk about all things brewing related from beer to liquor and in-between. Focused on the professional aspect rather than homebrewing....
Of course Tolkien devised an entire heraldic tradition for his books. Wikipeadia page about it...
For a start, floating might be really fun, but what else might you get up to?
Hey all, have I damaged this xbox 360 controller circuit board beyond repair?...
What would be the best thing to do to help keep up? Donate? Servers? What is the best way to help?
Now that Twitter has been renamed to X, what will you call Tweets?