
silentTeee, to memes in The History Channel logic
@silentTeee@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

You know, I had never noticed this correlation until you brought it up, but it’s kind of sad how accurate it is…


Oh good, it wasn’t just me

Habahnow, to memes in Amerikkkan Airlines

Someone explain this to me? Hamas is a terrorist group the controls the Palestinians in Gaza. They are not representive of most Palestinians. So this feels like an easy, “yes I condemn Hamas,but also the Palestinian people are being screwed by the Israeli government”

Deykun, (edited )

Most people don't have an issue with it. But starting each interview with a question: "Do you condemn Al-Qaeda?" is sinister. It is not a good faith question.

If you are asked this question each time you want to speak about atrocities committed against civilians and have to proclaim that you do not in fact support terrorists, you have the right to be offended. Especially when the person asking you that question cannot condemn cutting off water to civilians.

After 9/11, thousands of Arabs living peacefully in the US were asked to condemn Al-Qaeda, which they did because who wouldn't? That condemnation and support was used to justify attacking Iraq - the country where Al-Qaeda was not located in, and resulted in the death of a million people there. Imagine being an American Iraqi supporting the US's right to "defend itself" and seeing your family in Iraq and their children being killed.

There is a level of analogy here where a person with relatives in Gaza is asked by interviewers that question while trying to advocate to not cut water or bomb one of the most densely populated places in the region.

You have the right to be offended if people start asking you to condemn segregation, Nazism, or bigotry when you never claimed that you don't have an issue with those things. Especially when the person asking you is using it as a tactic while you are trying to alarm about human rights being violated, and civilians / children being hurt.


The meme is that westerners care more that that the people that are seeing their kids murdered condemn the only (while very imperfect) group that is helping them instead of focusing on the fact that kids are being murdered.

@bartolomeo@suppo.fi avatar

the only (while very imperfect) group that is helping them

This is very important to ignore if you don’t want to be inconvenienced by the tremendous and unnecessary suffering that’s happening.


America is a white supremacist nation, if you click that option you won’t be able to get your flight. In any civilized nation such an option would be illegal (as it’s not their fucking business) but because they’re a shithole country with no oversight, they get to fuck people over their views.


Oh honey it’s not real


What are you talking about, everything on the internet is real. It’s not like anyone is going to go outside to check.


Please take a few days to clean your moms basement and stay off Lemmy for at least 2 days.

toomanyjoints69, (edited )

I didn’t know you thought Stalin intentionally organized the famine. I’m sorry you feel that way. :(

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

No, the fact you watch a sex offender cryptofash and think that makes you a communist. We see what you are.


Its not healthy to be so angry on the internet. You should cook dinner with your mom instead. Do it with her not for her. She will appreciate the time you spend with her.


This has to be satire

rockerface, to memes in In our lifetimes 🤞

I wish there was at least half the amount of this kind of memes about Russia


Yeah but that would go against the hexbear narrative of “neo-USSR good because communism, anything western-adjacent is imperialism bad”

Nuance, or frankly any political intelligence, is not their strong suit

sharkfucker420, (edited )
@sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml avatar

No one on hexbear likes Russia in its current state. No one thinks it is a “neo-USSR” (lmao). Russia is not Communist and no self respecting communist would call it that. The West is imperialist and bad, the most obvious example of this being the entire global south.

Have you ever been on hexbear?

empireOfLove, (edited )

No one on hexbear likes Russia in its current state.

Meanwhile in this thread by hexbear users: “nothing Russia is doing is that bad, they should just become citizens, stop hating on russia”

For “not liking” Russia imperialism, they sure spend a lot of fucking time apologizing for Russia’s imperialism. We can hate multiple despotic shitholes at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive.


I mean the fact that you think the people of hexbear support the Russian Federation thinking its communist but then go on to say they have no nuance or political intelligence is kind of funny

FuckyWucky, (edited )

sure, make comparisons between Nazi Germany, Apartheid Israel and … Russia

Are Ukrainians being crammed into a strip being bombed constantly without food or water? Russia despite being reactionary in many ways (eg LGBTQ rights) is relatively tolerant towards religious and ethnic minorities.

Such malicious comparison. Fuck you.


Oh no, hexbear is leaking again.

Go back to your dictator-loving friends and stay there.

520, (edited )

Oh fuck off. Russia is committing cultural genocide and is constantly bombing civilian targets. Russia thinks nothing of bombing hospitals or other civilian infrastructure. The only reason the Ukrainians are not also being crammed into a strip is because Russia's military hasn't been capable of doing that.

Edit: clarity


Actually, yes, Ukrainians that happened to live in the east of Ukraine are in fact stuck in a literal war zone without feasible way to live… unless they accept Russian “citizenship”, that is

FuckyWucky, (edited )

they can get to Europe because they are white enough. Its not an open air prison in the same way Gaza is.

Russian bombing campaign is nothing like Gaza. Gazans can’t obtain Israeli citizenship, Palestinian passports aren’t widely recognized. Meanwhile both Ukrainian and Russian passports are internationally recognized.

unless they accept Russian “citizenship”, that is

A citizenship is a citizenship. No need for quotes, Russian citizens can get Russian passports, get access to Russian benefits and travel.

Stop making silly comparisons.

The only people who can be compared to the situation Palestinians are in right now are Rohingya Muslims.


No shit, nothing is the same way Gaza is. Doesn’t make it a non-issue. And “citizenship” deserves quotes if it’s enforced by an invading military.

Also, good luck getting to anywhere, when all airports and major roads leading out of the occupied territory are blocked and/or destroyed.

@culpritus@hexbear.net avatar

Ukrainian militias have been shelling Donbas for about 8 years before 2022.


If you think the Western public is more anti-Isreal than rabidly anti-Russia, I don’t know what to tell you.

Disclaimer: I think they’re both fucking awful. Isreal is objectively worse though.


Not the public, just this community. Although it could be confirmation bias on my side


Its also just what’s in the news. If Lemmy was big in March 2022, we would likely be flooded with them.


This was about settler-colonial states in particular. Not to say I wouldn’t love to see the Bourgeois Russian state go through another 7-11-1917.




That’s fair. Wasn’t trying to take a jab at you in particular, if it came off that way, I’m sorry

davel, to memes in rip bozo
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

This is gonna cost you so many fake internet points, comrade. TYFYS 🫡


blob-no-thoughts we dont care, we see only upvotes. see no evil, hear no evil. come to hexbear where bad takes are ruthlessly purged

cRazi_man, to comicstrips in This is what peak masc performance looks like

It’s like dating Hypnotoad

ummthatguy, to risa in Happy Irish Unification year🎉
@ummthatguy@startrek.website avatar
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Jesus christ that episode…

I dare anyone to Watch that and tell me casual racism against the Irish died out a long time ago…

gregorum, (edited ) to risa in Happy Irish Unification year🎉

let’s just ignore how the pretext for this line was Data observing how, sometimes, terrorism is an effective vehicle for social and/or political change.

edit: just to be clear, this isn’t a criticism, just an observation about the glibness of the meme as compared to the seriousness context.

@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Sometimes it is effective. Just ask everyone who salivated over the PATRIOT act.

Now whether is justified is an entirely different story.

gregorum, (edited )

that was Data’s whole point. Then, just as Picard was about to dish out a bunch of huffy, self-righteous moral indignation, their conversation got cut off by an incoming message or some other rather convenient interruption. Trek was often bold in how it approached controversial sociopolitical subjects. And, sometimes, it scampered off without honestly addressing them.

this occasion was one of the latter.

edit: although, one could argue that, due to the fact that Data got his comment in before Picard was able to give a self-righteous counter-argument, the writers, in fact, were quite brave. The comment was so controversial, in fact, the episode was banned in several markets which refused to air this episode, and it still remains banned in some places to this day.

From Memory-Alpha:

Due to political sensitivity, as Ireland was still in the midst of the Troubles when “The High Ground” aired in 1990, the reference to Irish unification and terrorism in the episode resulted in its removal from first-run in the United Kingdom. To date, some syndicating networks will not air the episode, and it was only in 2007 (fifteen years after its first run, nine years after the conflict ended in a peaceful manner) that it was broadcast on the BBC.

@VioletTeacup@feddit.uk avatar

In fairness, it’s less controversial and more that the line is outright offensive. At the time, people were being murdered by acts of terrorismin in the troubles, so to wontonly say that those attacks are effective and will get results was extremely insensitive. It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism shortly after it happened, or the 2015 Paris attacks.

That being said, it’s still an interesting point that Data raises in the episode.

gregorum, (edited )

It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism shortly after it happened

here’s the thing, though: by no measure could this statement be considered even remotely true. if someone, very boldly, were, today, try to make the argument that “the Troubles were worth it,” I dare say that they’d have a good case for that argument, despite the heavy controversy which would come with it. The argument you propose, conversely, lacks the obvious evidentiary support required to substantiate such… an ambitious arguments yours.

And I certainly don’t support it.

edit: it’s a matter of factual and evidentiary support. come back with evidence to support your claims.

@VioletTeacup@feddit.uk avatar

Do you want evidence that people died in the tororist attacks, or that the statement is offensive? As to the first, you’re free to read up on the history of the troubles yourself if you like. As to the second, it’s a matter of opinion, not fact, but considering that history, one that I feel is fair enough. As far as I’m concerned, comparing a single terrorist attack to a series of terrorist attacks is more than reasonable.

gregorum, (edited )

It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism shortly after it happened

here’s the thing, though: by no measure could this statement be considered even remotely true.

what does the following statement have to do with it?

Do you want evidence that people died in the tororist attacks, or that the statement is offensive?

because, at no point, did anyone ask for evidence of nor call into doubt either of those claims.

@VioletTeacup@feddit.uk avatar

It was and still is unclear what you were asking me to prove. A comparison isn’t a statement of fact, it’s to illustrate how two things are similar. I further explained why I feel that it was fair to compaire them. If you want to keep picking things apart for the sake of it though, have at it.

gregorum, (edited )

It was and still is unclear what you were asking me to prove.

I made myself very clear:

It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism shortly after it happened

here’s the thing, though: by no measure could this statement be considered even remotely true…The argument you propose, conversely, lacks the obvious evidentiary support required to substantiate such… an ambitious arguments yours….come back with evidence to support your claims.

A comparison isn’t a statement of fact, it’s to illustrate how two things are similar.

which you failed to do spectacularly by comparing two things which bear no resemblance in the way you suggest:

It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism

because it wasn’t, for it achieved none of its intended goals. if it is your assertion that it did, it’s your job to prove that, which you have not.

I further explained why I feel that it was fair to compaire them

no you then used this straw man instead:

Do you want evidence that people died in the tororist attacks, or that the statement is offensive?

then you used a series of unrelated equivocations rather than addressing the flaw in your logic: the lack of efficacy of the 9/11 attacks as a tool for social or political change (the entire premise from the start).

If you want to keep picking things apart for the sake of it though, have at it.

you’re not a victim because you made a terrible argument and got called out for it.

is that clear enough for you now?

@VioletTeacup@feddit.uk avatar

There’s no reason to be rude. I strongly suggest you reread what I said and consider the context of the thread. I never said that 9/11 was a successful use of terrorism, I said that the statement Data made about the troubles being successful was offensive and would be similar to saying the same thing about other terrorist attacks. You then aggressively began demanding evidence for something that was never a statement of fact, making it unclear what you were talking about. When further questioned, you became genuinely insulting for absolutely no reason. I won’t be responding again, but please take some time to consider how you approach discussions in the future.


I never said that 9/11 was a successful use of terrorism

I have quoted you several times saying exactly that.

I said that the statement Data made about the troubles being successful was offensive and would be similar to saying the same thing about other terrorist attacks.

you may have intended to argue that, but you clearly argued:

It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism

and now you keep insisting that:

You then aggressively began demanding evidence for something that was never a statement of fact, making it unclear what you were talking about.

when you very clearly said this:

It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism

and now are acting indignant that I have to keep reminding you of that and how you’re somehow unclear of why after I’ve explained it several times.

I’’m very sorry you can’t wrap your head around this. and, yes, it’s best you don’t respond again, as I’d just keep repeating myself.

VioletTeacup, (edited )
@VioletTeacup@feddit.uk avatar

It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism.” Sorry, I don’t know how this could have been clearer. Take care!

gregorum, (edited )

if that’s what you meant, perhaps you should have said that at some point…

I don’t know how this could have been clearer

by saying what you mean and actually providing evidence to back up your claims, as I have said repeatedly.

@VioletTeacup@feddit.uk avatar

That’s… literally what I said…

gregorum, (edited )

except for the first time you said it in your last comment, show me where you said “9/11 was a terrorist attack" before. because what you were arguing before was:

It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism

do you have amnesia?

@VioletTeacup@feddit.uk avatar

That was a typo. I’ve edited the comment to show my original quote.


ok, so, you do have amnesia and have forgotten our entire conversation. well, then I suggest you go back to the beginning because I’m not walking you through this again.

porthos, (edited )

In fairness, it’s less controversial and more that the line is outright offensive. At the time, people were being murdered by acts of terrorismin in the troubles, so to wontonly say that those attacks are effective and will get results was extremely insensitive. It’s sort of like saying 9/11 was an effective use of terrorism shortly after it happened, or the 2015 Paris attacks.

I mean I get that it is a pretty touchy subject, but honestly at the end of the day the 9/11 attacks were stunningly effective at doing exactly what Bin Laden wanted us to do, get involved in a long drawn out war that undermined the stability of the US and accelerated its collapse.

The asshole literally wrote this all out in a letter and I am glad it made the rounds recently because we took the bait hook line and sinker. If as a society stories had trained us to think of terrorism not as some existential evil that comes from satan but rather a brutal political/military strategy enacted to accomplish certain logical political aims we might have been more equipped to deal with a 9/11 response more rationally. Specifically maybe we wouldn’t have just signed off on US warhawks throwing Iraq into the mix for absolutely no good reason than imperialism (Bin Laden must have been whooping and hollering happy when he heard the US decided to get itself stuck in TWO endless wars because of his actions).

@VioletTeacup@feddit.uk avatar

Interesting; I didn’t know that! It’s definitely an interesting subject to say the least.

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

Important context. Damn.

LopensLeftArm, to memes in rip bozo
@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

ITT: 15-year-old edgelords simping for Russia

codblopsii, to memes in The History Channel logic

Had someone I grew up with call their white friend a caregiver and me (black) a drug dealer. Both grow weed. I don’t talk to that bitch anymore

Technus, to memes in Happy Anniversary of the Harper's Ferry Raid

John Brown needed reinforcements more than weapons, tbh. He had almost 200 Sharps carbines on hand prior to the raid.

Having vastly superior weapons might have helped with his recruiting efforts though.

HikingVet, to memes in He's a Maoist now

How is this a meme?


Just normal lemmy.ml things. Block and move on.


nah the poster is from hexbear.net


how is it not

@Flinch@hexbear.net avatar

what is a meme, really?


Well, ot isn’t a political comic, that’s for sure.


Your mom is a meme.


What is a juggalo? (a juggalooo)

@Evilphd666@hexbear.net avatar

Republicans offer nothing but culture war shit. They absolutely know Democrats are to the right of freedom-and-democracy . But they are playing the anti China part of the 3rd Red Scare while Dems play the anti Russia part and both are partaking in the [2nd Lavender]( scare (active / passive).

They are exploiting American ignorance and stroking historical previous Red Scare / Cold War indoctrination for the over 50s crowd.

The Red Scares were never about Crapitalism vs Cummunism. It was about different nations clashing over the world’s resources, but that would never fly in the public mind spoken out loud. That was all a front, but it gave cover for the disgusting domestic and foriegn policies such as The Jakarta Method, Vietnam War, Hollywood Blacklisting, Hayes Code, demonizing queer people in public life, and McCarthyism.

So they paint the opposition as ooga booga scary Mao CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY COMMIE COMMIE COMMIE! WHERE’S MY AUKUS MONEY JOE?!

They know the actual left knows they’re full of shit and that’s the real twisted part of these political hacks - they study and know very much every aspect of the actual target of theri demonization of things, but they hold the American public with such calous contempt they will willingly lie to manufacture consent for their major bribers. They know exactly who they are harming, why they are harming, and they just do not care because minorities aren’t majorities and caculated collateral damage. Plus if you can toss around commie or Marxist or Maoist to anything you don’t like, it further brainwashes the frothingfash ignorant masses to automatically put their brains down and choose you aginst the hedons as god’s chosen warrior!

They know the public is largely ignorsnt about matters that don’t concern them and they exploit it to the hilt.


It’s a Ben Garrison comic, he’s basically a meme himself


It’s a political comic, not a meme.

@culprit@lemmy.ml avatar
JoMiran, to risa in Happy Irish Unification year🎉
@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

I got really hopeful during Brexit that Ireland would unite and Scotland would leave.


Scotland could never leave. Britain doesn’t want to loose Scotland and Europe doesn’t want to split up all the British kingdoms and have them join one by one.

Northern Ireland has a chance to leave the shithole that is brexit by joining Ireland, but does Ireland want that? You’re gonna spark a fire if you do that. The politics and rebellions of the 80’s are only dormant, the sentiment is far from gone.

Flyberius, to memes in Isr*el out here collecting their chapter's geneseed.
@Flyberius@hexbear.net avatar

The swords of iron war? Have they already named it. And they have given it the most ethno-fascist, deus-vult name conceivable.

@Thorngraff_Ironbeard@hexbear.net avatar

Yeah it’s really mask off some biblical evil type shit.

aeronmelon, to risa in Sorry I can't help myself.

I hope Jefferies Tube Chakotay becomes a trend.

Nakoichi, (edited )
@Nakoichi@hexbear.net avatar

You just reminded me of Jeffry Toobin and I hate you for that lol.

alcoholicorn, (edited )

On the bridge of the USS Voyager:

Janeway: What are you… Is he?

Jeffry, you’re still on the viewscreen, we can see you.


God dammit he turned off his own screen…

… Kim, load torpedo.

Ram_The_Manparts, to risa in Sorry I can't help myself.
@Ram_The_Manparts@hexbear.net avatar


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