In have a router on OpenWRT with an undocumented button I want to find. It is a MT7621 in a BGA so I can’t trace the hardware and rework is no go. It has the breed bootloader but it’s all in Chinese. Llama2 70B says to use but I don’t see how that can really detect a change state on an...
I am quite annoyed by one person’s posts in one community I’m subscribed to. I could block them but then I might miss their comments or posts in other communities which might not be as annoying....
EDIT: I am thrilled with so many awesome responses! I’m taking notes and looking into all the recommendations. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to help me out (and many others, i’m sure), i’m glad i asked!...
The Infinity Blade or Minigore series, for example, or anything made by Illusion Labs. These games are genius and most consoles don’t even have a touch screen or utilise it well like some smartphone games do....
I’m on an Arch-based Linux with VirtualBox (generic installer, couldn’t load modules with host-modules-arch) and I get this error whenever I try to import this OVA file:...
I run different programs as different users, is it possible to have a visual indication of wether a user or another is running them ? e.g dolphin as user1, dolphin as user2, etc
I am about to setup Unraid for the first time, have got the USB and Lisence ready, but watching a bunch of videoes before I dip my feet in. I read and heard that Unraid runs only on the ram, which brings me to the question: My server only has 16GB of ram, whilst my desktop has 48GB of ram, so should I transfer some of my...
I found someone in our user database with the name “Deekshita Anusri”. I then imagined the poor soul at the border who had to read that name in front of the person named so....
I found this at my local Total Wine while browsing the shelves. Not much of a detailed review here but I thought it was really good! I was curious about the chili peppers but it’s hardly noticeable at all....
I have noticed that some posts on some Lemmy instances created by others have successfully made use of the details/summary tags which gives an arrow that expands....
I have installed nimdow window manager. I have auto-login enabled. Nimdow is the default option. The only options I have at boot are (from the bootloader): default, timeout, edit, resolution, print and help (help is not working). How am I supposed to go back to GNOME or disable auto-login? I tried accessing the recovery shell,...