Hello everyone, I’m tired of having to go bavk to my search results 4 timesnbecause eveyrtime that I search for a news article every single website I get on won’t let mr read it without either subscribing/logging in, how can I hidethese websites from the results OR How do you guys look up news articles, an app or smt?...
I hate that I always compare Lemmy to Reddit, but Reddit used to have (not sure if they still do) guidelines called “Reddiquette” that included guidelines about upvoting and downvoting. I don’t remember the specifics (and sending too much of my browser traffic to Reddit makes me feel dirty) but one of the guidelines was...
I was just watching the Neopoleon trailer and releasied I have hit my limit with these stripped back orchestra hit covers of modern songs that seem to want the audience to do the Leo.gif about halfway through https://feddit.uk/pictrs/image/bd412591-cec6-414c-886a-d3bc6b60b62d.webm
I have a server where I believe I have disabled root login via ssh. I think it is done correctly, as I cannot login with root myself via ssh, but I would’ve thought that it would be reflected in /var/log/auth.log. Instead, it shows up as failed password entry. Is this intended?...
I know Debian and others can breathe life into older machines. But i wonder if there are any distros with serious optimizations that I haven’t heard of. I’ve already tried MX Linux on an old Thinkpad SL400, and didn’t see any difference from plain Debian....
I work as a contractor, been working here for 9 years, had the same contract company all that time… Except until recently when the contract came up for bid and the old company was outbid by another. Lucky for me, they’re keeping all the same people, positions, and whatnot. I like my job, I look forward to the change, I just...
Can you recommend any screen video capture tools compatible with Wayland? I’ll use such a tool on my Raspberry Pi 400 under 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm, so I’d prefer one with appropriate Debian binaries....
I am trying to block all connections to microsoft ip addresses. I only occasionaly boot windows and don’t want it phoning home. I tried disabling the net interfaces in device manager but windows just re-enables them and send god only knows what back to their servers. I don’t like relying on disconnecting the ethernet cable...
Been using Connect for months, great app! I am in Beta program. Last few hours I am unable to access my main instance (lemmy.sdf.org) using my main account with it, I get error...
How does it work?? I have been trying google-fu for probably two hours trying to figure out how exactly you even install sixel. I found libsixel but it seems unmaintained. I just wanna try out images in my terminal. lol. Does anyone have any experience using sixel on linux and is it worth the effort to even setup?
Hi everyone! I’m trying to prepare a live iso with a USB stick including the additional rescuezilla package (or, alternatively, additional packages for a live rescuezilla .iso). Sadly rescuezilla does not support encryption, and so I’d like to be able to create/encrypt an image on one single live iso, not having to do a...
I was trying to give pointers to people in comments but it seems whenever I wrote uBlock Origin, “u B lock”, SponsorBlock or “S p onSor Block” (without quotes) the comment would vanish within first minute....
The Boonta Eve redux of the Obi-Wan series made that series about as good as the source material would allow it, it was an absolutely phenomenal edit....
Recently I stumbled over an article, about how to customize your shell prompt. What really surprised me, is that it lacked one of the most basic tips I learned nearly 20 years back: Always display a timestamp in the prompt, to be able to check how long a process is running or when it ended. (Don’t need it daily, but every so...
I purchased a second hand ThinkPad from an ebay outlet. When it arrived I wiped windows 10 from it and installed ubuntu with no issues. It runs perfect without any weird fixes needed. However, after just checking the bios to see if I could change some settings, I realised it has a supervisor password....