Skipping along, missing most of the beats... (

The real way to defeat the witch king
Join us at the front gate to welcome new users into Lemmy, and to the Fediverse as a whole!...
“Of course beans count as a vegetable!” I said to my wife. We have this house rule that it’s okay to eat mac and cheese for dinner so long as you add a vegetable. If I may ‘spill the beans’, I’m obsessed with them. Each one is tastier than the last: garbanzo bean, black bean, kidney. The butter bean, which is just...
Scientists couldn’t find the head of the starfish. Turns out, the entire thing is head, it’s the body that is missing.
In light of what other’s have been memeing … it made me think....
Baby Steps?
Warp nACLs (network access control lists)
Banana for scale. I was a little late to the party as it looks like something munched on it....
Brakkal is in a cage in the goblin camp. I decided to kill all the Absolute worshipping goblins so he would feel better. Brought him the dead goblins like a cat would. I left him in his cage though, because he worships Maglubiyet and he is probably evil. Right? ;)