“Of course beans count as a vegetable!” I said to my wife. We have this house rule that it’s okay to eat mac and cheese for dinner so long as you add a vegetable. If I may ‘spill the beans’, I’m obsessed with them. Each one is tastier than the last: garbanzo bean, black bean, kidney. The butter bean, which is just...
Brakkal is in a cage in the goblin camp. I decided to kill all the Absolute worshipping goblins so he would feel better. Brought him the dead goblins like a cat would. I left him in his cage though, because he worships Maglubiyet and he is probably evil. Right? ;)
Is there any way to filter or exclude these? I know people post the same link to different communities around the same time to get maximum reach but it gets annoying seeing the same post 2-3 times in a row....
We have a number of large piles of rotted wood chips on our land from about five years old when we had to clear a few trees. They produced quite a few two years ago, then nothing last year with the dry fall in our area. We’re happy to see them again.