Would try. I’ve made the Swedish dish Flying Jacob (because it was so bizarre) and it was honestly great
Flying Jacob (Swedish: flygande Jacob/Jakob pronounced is a Swedish casserole composed of chicken, cream, chilli sauce, bananas, roasted peanuts and bacon. The dish is baked in an oven and is usually served with rice and a salad.
Funny thing that, European countries haven’t lasted nearly as long as the US on average: revolutions, conquest, coups. Only a couple of monarchies and even those had some big changes in the way the government is structured like with constitutional changes. The US, though, has a ton of new laws but is fundamentally unchanged.
Yep. I can remember not too long ago that French police blinded people when dealing with the yellow jacket riots. Also the president’s bodyguard being there dressed as a cop and hospitalised someone instead of protecting the president. There’s also the murder of Stephen Lawrence in the UK and every year here there’s multiple cops charged with raping women or using excessive force against a minority.
Also in Finland, on 6th day of December (2023), on our independence day, the bastards prohibited the Helsinki ilman natseja (Helsinki without nazis) protest, beating the antifascist protesters and ramming into them with fucking horses, but they welcomed the nazi parade with open hands. Interesting.
Me too. I just don’t understand why so many people think that these “ok boomer / millennials, gen x,y,z does this and that” things don’t work on the same principle tho. I think it’s just as stupidly stereotypical…and I’m not even a boomer.