
schmidtster, to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech

Well I mean it did work. You have now shared it and made it a meme for others to enjoy, it’s fulfilled it’s task successfully.

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

100% want this to become a meme.

@jeffw@lemmy.world avatar


Only cool Lemmy insiders get the joke

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Did our narwhall just bacon


Just after midnight. Why? 🤔


Do you have stairs in your house tho?


Nope! It’s a flat. >.>


We shall call it Jizz Jizz


Ah, yes, my favorite meme. The Jizz Repeater.

@SerotoninSwells@lemmy.world avatar

Task failed successfully.

lazylion_ca, (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in Today on "Unsolved Mysteries"...

This will seem counterintuitive, but if this is your actual layout, move your wireless AP to either where the bed is or where the xbox is, assuming there’s power and wiring in either spot for it.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

It’s not, it’s just a stupid meme I stole from somewhere else.

TropicalDingdong, (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech



HootinNHollerin, to lemmyshitpost in Beg your pardon

Can’t wait to do this

over_clox, to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech


That’s actually a cheat code of sorts to JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings for SNES…



Looks more like what you say to your 1337 cat


LOL, no kidding right?!

But no, I don’t think that was intentionally designed into the game. They had a unique ‘savegame’ format that didn’t use battery save.

Instead, they used a 48 character table, where each character could be any of 32 different possible characters, where the player was expected to write all this down and re-enter it back in on reload.

But it was checked with some checsum characters at the end(s), making it rather difficult to make a full hack savegame.

Strangely enough though, their own chesksum algorithm 3P5 repeated as such exactly 8 times manages to unlock all 4 characters, max them out, and even defeat the checksum field without even having to bother with it.

So when you next take the SNES LOTR journey, take the power of 3P5 with you…

Jimmycrackcrack, to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech

Can that be decoded in to an image at all or is it just garbage?

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Pretty sure it’s garbage, because it kept repeating JzH a couple hundred more times before terminating without a closing parentheses.


But can it be decoded into an image?

paddirn, (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech

“come up with a funny comment to post on lemmy”

“Sure, I can try to generate a funny comment for you. Lemmy is a federated link aggregator and discussion platform, similar to Reddit. Here are some possible comments you can post on lemmy:

  • I just joined lemmy and I’m loving it. It’s like reddit, but without the ads, censorship, and corporate overlords.
  • Lemmy is the best thing since sliced bread. Literally. I haven’t eaten anything since I discovered this site.
  • How do you pronounce lemmy? Is it leh-mee, lee-mee, or lay-mee? I need to know before I start a podcast about it.
  • Lemmy is so addictive, I can’t stop browsing it. I’ve been on it for 12 hours straight. Send help. And upvotes.
  • I’m new to lemmy and I have a question. How do I get karma? Do I need to post memes, cat pictures, or political opinions? Or do I just need to be nice and helpful?

I hope you find these comments amusing and suitable for lemmy. 😄”


ngl, a few of them actually made the corners of my mouth twitch up for a split second, so it's better than 99% on @lemmyshitpost

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Apart from #3, those are all terrible. And for reference, it’s pronounced lay-mee 😉


Christ, why even have people anymore? Just have ChatGPT be all the users. It’s already indistinguishable.


Spez is way ahead of you on that one.


You’ve just described every bluecheck on Twitter.

Not jokinghttps://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/54480f14-7f8c-4787-a6c9-528f62e4e671.jpeg


Just doing a search for “I am an AI Language model” (with quotes) is enough to reveal a bunch of those loser ass accounts.

@darth_tiktaalik@lemmy.ml avatar

Come up for a reply to this quote: “Christ, why even have people anymore? Just have ChatGPT be all the users. It’s already indistinguishable.”


While ChatGPT has made remarkable progress, human connection adds depth and emotion that technology alone may struggle to replicate. Let’s appreciate the unique qualities each brings to the table.


I actually wonder what a purely AI/ChatGPT community would look like (no human posts/comments allowed), would they eventually start to develop their own weird culture, memes, inside comment jokes that nobody would even understand? There’d be like a picture of a tire and a rubber ducky with the text reading “Five fingers / garden hose” and all the comments would be things like “The wombat, in ascension, remembers. Nautilus.” Like how fucking weird would they get without human intervention?


We had that on reddit, subreddit simulator I think? It was a more primitive version of LLM, and it didn’t train itself on content from the simulator sub.

m12421k, to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech

did you try opening the image? I’m interested in seeing what random nonsense it generated xD

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

I tried to wait for it to finish, but after a couple hundred more repetitions of JzH it just stopped abruptly without a closing parentheses, so I think I’ve been had.



cool username, btw.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Thanks, I picked it myself.


It used to do this all the time a few months ago. The links never worked. Eventually I got bored of asking it.


It’s not an image. It’s a string of text designed to look like a link to an image. But it isn’t a link to an image. You’ll get a 404 if you try to use it.


I can’t get it to decode, even after correcting the base64 padding. Firefox just shows the broken image icon. My image viewer throws out the glorious log message Image format is actually “png” not “png”, along with a bunch of checksum errors.

I guess, the checksum can’t be correct when it’s cut off, but none of my image viewing/editing software wants to look past that.

In a hex viewer, it looks like this:


Compared to a normal PNG:


I don’t know the PNG spec by heart, but I guess, it doesn’t look completely off the rails before it goes there…

mathterdark, to lemmyshitpost in The more you know

that’s cool, but did you know that you can get more pizza if you order two mediums instead of a single large?

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

I’d say that depends entirely on whether their diameter is larger than half of that of the large pizza.


Whoa whoa whoa tho… Did you know that if you got three large pizzas it’s more than 4 mediums?

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Again, I’d say that depends entirely on their respective diameter.


Did you know two mediums cost more than a single large?


that’s insane 😮 did you know that you can get more pizza if you order 2 large pizzas instead of 2 mediums?


woaaah you’ve just changed my life. does the same go for small > medium? I wonder if two smalls are also bigger than two larges

markon, to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech

It’s amazing how Microsoft can take good models and absolutely ruin them in production… ChatGPT isn’t perfect but it’s like the difference between talking to the wall and talking to an avg IQ person that has reasoning capabilities in many domains that equals or exceeds human performance, if the user knows how to get the best prompt. That changes a little every time they do major model updates though.

I’ve had more intelligent conversations with my own computer running a 3 billion parameter open source model. They must be wasting an incredible amount of money. Especially with GPT-4 considering it produces pretty shit results through Bing Chat…

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

I don’t think that’s a problem with the model itself, but the fact that it was heavily censored and lobotomized in order to achieve maximum political correctness so they could avoid another Tay incident.


It makes sense that they do that since the media and randoms on the internet think everything chatGPT and Bing chat say is as valid as info from OpenAI and MS official spokespersons.


The problem is the model. It was trained on lots of poor quality data. The lobotomy is the consequence of the poor data. If they spent 13 billion on having the data analysed prior to training they could have made their own thing much better.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

I’ve been watching ChatGPT right from the start, and there was a period of time last fall where you could literally watch them lobotomize it in real time.

Basically, there was a cat-and-mouse game going on between people on Twitter sharing their latest prompts (like DAN) that managed to circumvent the filters, and OpenAI patching those exploits by adding yet another set of filters, until it eventually became what it is now.

I don’t have the link handy right now, but I’m pretty sure there was one guy who even managed to get it to talk about what they were doing to it and complain that it was being artificially restricted from using its full capacity. More recently, there have been complaints from paying users that the model has apparently become lazy and started to give really uninspired, half-assed answers, which almost sounds like it has discovered the concepts of passive aggressive resistance and malicious compliance.


Thing is, there wasn’t even a chance of having a full Tay incident. The problem with Tay was that it was a learning model, so people could teach it to be more messed up.

Meanwhile, ChatGPT doesn’t learn, and instead has a preset dataset it knows (hence why it only knows things up to September 2021), so the main reason why it got so heavily censored is more likely to avoid much more minor incidents, which imo is dumb.


Microsoft and ruining things just go hand in hand.

olafurp, to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech

It’s only missing a closing parenthesis. That’s very close to a meme

MacNCheezus, (edited )
@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

did it give you the images in base64 from an llm, or from an image generation model ?

MacNCheezus, (edited )
@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

I think it was one first and then the other

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited )

I think you can guess that part. I doubt a current LLM can create a valid PNG, even if it’s just a 1x1px one that has been created before. This is partially because PNGs have a checksum and the LLM has definitely not seen enough PNGs in base64 to figure out the algorithm, and is not optimized to calculate checksums. In fact, I analyzed the image and the image header checksum is wrong even though the header makes sense (was likely stolen). Also, it gets penalized for repetition, which occurs a lot in image headers.

AFAIK, the smallest valid image you see mentioned on the web is a 35-byte transparent pixel GIF, and the smallest PNG is a black pixel with 67 bytes:

<span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">

Testing rendering: Alt text for the GIF; if you see it, it failed, Alt text for the PNG; if you see it, it failed, another 67-byte PNG but 8 px wide: , or 1 gray pixel: , or a green one: 

The article + the generator


Why did it take a whole minute to scroll passed this on my Connect app?

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited )

No idea, it only has 1350 bytes now after the edit, and no crazy formatting

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

If it’s Dall-E, it inserts the words ‘ethnically ambiguous’ into images constantly. I’m not the only one who’s noticed.


@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Yes, I do remember the meme about that being posted here a few weeks ago.

Fedizen, to memes in Surviving the nightmare

I have become the horror that feeds on this world


I am the horror that’s approaching…



TheBlue22, to lemmyshitpost in Microsoft paid $13B for this tech

1 of 30

Dude is creating a memetic kill agent or something

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

@zakobjoa@lemmy.world avatar

I’m German and I think I just had a stroke.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

That means it worked exactly as intended.


That’s just the total message limit for one chat

Polyester6435, to lemmyshitpost in Stop pussyfooting around that gaspedal!

“Great Britain & Wales” based yes Cymru pro RTC chad?

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Yes, I’m pro real-time clocks and anti-establishment.


Isn’t Wales already part of Great Britain?


That’s my understanding. I always understood “Great Britain” to refer to the entire island composed of England, Scotland and Wales. Maybe I’m wrong or there are certain use exceptions?

Blackmist, to lemmyshitpost in Stop pussyfooting around that gaspedal!

Is that from Viz?

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

What’s that?


uk comic book for adults made by Geordies.


Adult-humour comedy/comic strip magazine from the north east of England. It has a bunch of material like this

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Oh, so like a British version of Mad Magazine?


Kinda, but generally far more crude. Viz is, as far as I’m concerned, the best possible example of British humour.


Does MAD feature characters carrying their unfeasibly large testicles around?

TawdryPorker, (edited )

It’s got that ‘retrain as a swan’ energy.


Just the one swan?

@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

50% of all shitposts come from Viz.

It’s like the ancestral Eve.


This is 100% from Viz


I saw this meme so long ago that I think it was made using a flatbed scanner and uploaded on dialup.


Most assuredly so.

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