Normally I’d be on board with this, but the picture is literally in front of an elementary school! If there’s any place that I’m ok having speed cameras, it’s in a school zone.
But yeah, if it’s a speed camera on a major highway raking in cash for everyone going 10 over? Fuuuuuuuck that.
I do count 4 layers of ramen, each approximately the size of one packet, so I guess it’s not impossible to have used all of them at once for maximum flavor.
But I took the saying “adopt and shop responsibly” to heart and looked up what a responsible breeder has to do to be considered one.
Genetic tests determine if the dogs have known genes that cause diseases. If one of the parents has a recessive gene for a disease that won’t express in the pups because the other parent doesn’t have it, you can keep dogs that have desirable traits like excellent personality, lack of anxiety and general health in the gene pool—helping to maintain genetic diversity while not passing down a disease.
The kennel clubs (CKC) have started helping to reduce inbreeding by keeping track of the lineage of dogs and avoiding inbreeding by calculating the coefficient of inbreeding. The COI is a metric used in dog breeding to measure the level of inbreeding in a dog’s pedigree. It is an excellent tool for an institution that used to inadvertently encourage inbreeding because they created standards. Can more be done? Yes, is this a step in the right direction? Yes.
It’s worth noting that genetic tests don’t know everything, they might only test for a handful of the 20,000 or so genes and we don’t know what all genes do, and some genes are benign in some breeds and dangerous in others. This is why x-rays and elbow and hip assesments of the parents are still important. It’s also why meeting the parents of you puppy is important. If you don’t like them, you won’t like their pups.
On top of that epigenetics massively impacts the behaviour of pups. This is especially true if the grandmother of a puppy had a happy stress free life. Yes, we now know that improvements from nurture not just nature can be inherited. Dogs with happy lives produce happy dogs.
A responsible breeder will have done all of this, as well as done early socialisation and desensitization for the first eight weeks of the pups and many more considerations like limiting the amount of times they use a dam. These tests and assessments would have cost them around $10,000 for the dam and sire.
I wrote this insane response because if typing this on a meme educated one person who might get a dog, then the world is just a little bit of a better place.
Question because you seem knowledgeable on mesh. I’ve got a network that spans a large area. I connected 3 mesh network aps to one switch which connects to my main router. Should the aps still be close together, or I’m good to spread them a bit since they’re all hard wired?
Ok, maybe I’m ignorant, maybe I found the phrase “body fart” hilarious, maybe both. But can someone please tell me what is the difference between a regular fart and a body fart?
Excessively smelly usually because of intolerance to foods, swallowing air or if you get constipated because of stress so your body is expelling all the air it can possibly find in the colon. And you’re not alone…body fart is hilarious.
It was a dick move like everything else. He hosted the national college football champs during a partial government shutdown, but rather than pay for some nice food from a third party for those champs, he figured that just being in his presence was reward enough, so enjoy your shitty fast food, boys.
In an explanation for the evening’s menu, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “The Democrats’ refusal to compromise on border security and reopen the government didn’t stop President Trump from hosting national champion @ClemsonFB tonight. He personally paid for the event to be catered by some of America’s great fast food joints.”
Though he told reporters that he had personally bought “300 hamburgers,” in a tweet the next morning that number had skyrocketed to “1000 hamberders [sic].” (Photos and videos of the scene show that the lower number is likely the more correct one.)