But only parts of the portrayal. The absolute menacing figure walking through the streets killing at a whim was easily the best representation of prime Vader, but that broke down the longer the episode went.
Each episode of Kenobi, and the show as a whole, seemed like it started with a great idea that just got worse the more they drew it out. Anytime I rewatch it, I skip through any scene that isn’t mostly Vader or Anakin / Vader and Obi-Wan.
Just give me a PG-13 or MA-rated miniseries - that isn’t afraid to test the limits - about Vader in his prime. I want to see “All I’m surrounded by are dead men,” energy on screen.
Wasn’t there a guy who turned the series into a movie by remastering it into a 1h30m video. I think I bookmarked that on my Reddit account before Lemmy was around ( or before the whole fuck spez thing anyway. Lemmy has been around longer than that ).
I watched it some time after watching the series, it does a decent job of cutting out the filler and making it more enjoyable. If I remember right they just straight up cut out reva’s character. A notable moment is the beginning when Leia is somehow able to outwit and outrun multiple adults that have her surrounded, that chase is completely cut out and they just grab her right there XD
Survivor Vader was a little bitch compared to fallen order Vader imo. Spoiler alert for survivor, I get that Cere is strong, but I don’t think she would’ve ever done THAT MUCH damage to Vader. Vader in fallen order was absolutely terrifying and untouchable. The way he hobbles away in survivor is comical. Unpopular opinion but they really wasted him, AND he’s not that tough of a fight at all since they made it that everyone faces him at the same difficulty.
So idk, guess my answer is always going to be rogue one
They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight
Shunting spaceships, hauling freight
Grey and black and speedy too
They're the awesome pew pew crew
All with different roles to play
'round planet Daro far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his pew pew friends
Man, just thinking of the mental anguish that Obi-Wan went through in his adult life. He suffered just as much as Anakin, if not more - yet he never fell from his path. After seeing his love interest murdered by the former Sith - who killed his mentor in front of him - he thought he killed, he went a literal decade in exile thinking he killed his best friend, who was complicit in the deaths of thousands of their fellow Jedi and friends, over something that could have been avoided if they didn’t inadvertently play into Palpatine’s umbrella of schemes nearly every time.
Then he found out Anakin was still alive, and actually responsible for all of the behind-the-scenes action of the Empire.
Edit: to give credit to Anakin, he was a teenager when he began being fully groomed by Palpatine. Given that Palpatine was one of the strongest force users in all of known galactic history, I think Anakin would have been an extreme Grey Jedi at worst if he wasn’t manipulated by the Dark Lord of the Sith
Duchess Satine, Ruler of Mandalore. She appears intermittently during the Clone Wars show. Anakin and Obi-Wan kinda had a thing for independent women in power lol
You say he never fell from the path but I’d argue heavily against that. I mean he didn’t prior to Kenobi but after that? I typically stand by the stance that the only Jedi in the Original Trilogy is Luke and he doesn’t even count until RotJ.
Obi-Wan and Yoda actively lied to Luke about who his father was. They trained him to kill Darth Vader, his father, in what feels like an act of vengeance for how Vader betrayed them. Now I get it, they do have a justification in saying go after Vader but they were insistent on Vader. Not Palpatine. Sure, Daddy Vader is a problem but he’s not the sole problem. Getting rid of him would hurt the Empire but with Palpatine and everyone else hanging around it is still going to be standing very strong. They also can’t claim ignorance of Palpatine considering Yoda did his ‘Kermit on Ketamine’ sequence at the Senate against The Senate. I mean, for fucks sake, Yoda starts trying to die faster the second that Luke starts asking questions. Obi-Wan, a fucking ghost at this point, is still lying to the poor kid and trying to justify his behavior.
Now, like I said, I don’t blame either of them. The loss that both Yoda and Obi-Wan suffered was utterly immeasurable but they were not exactly holding strictly to Jedi ideals and teachings at that point. Flowing through them the hate was.
Good points, but an important thing to consider is the Jedi - Obi-Wan and Yoda included, Yoda especially - were so caught up in their own hubris that they allowed all these events to transpire in their faces. The rise of the Empire didn’t cause this to change, as evidenced by your points that Yoda and Obi-Wan lied to Luke until they realized they couldn’t anymore. Plus, they did the same to Anakin and Ahsoka in different situations during the Clone Wars - while they all were still part of the Jedi Order. So I’d say the surviving Jedi barely changed in that regard. But my point was, Obi-Wan never fell to the dark side as Anakin did - despite having gone through worse for longer.
Personally, I hope future Jedi are more pragmatic / Grey in their approaches, similar to Qui-Gon or Dooku before his fall. I think if more Jedi had been like that, Palpatine would not have been able to be as opportunistic as he was. Btw, thanks for engaging in this lol I’m a sucker for it all
Oh I completely agree with all of your points. I just also stand by the fact that they did stray. Maybe for the better, maybe for the worst, but they’re definitely not upholding the tenants of the Jedi Order in the way that they used to. I think it isn’t until Luke faces Vader and holds back from the darkside that both Yoda and Obi-Wan sort of come to have an inner realization of how they changed. That’s totally headcanon for me but I dunno. I like the idea that they were corrupted and didn’t realize it until the ‘Next Generation’ helped them realize it. I’m a sucker for that shit just like you’re a sucker for the conversation.
For the record, I’m always down to do this. If you ever wanna have a chat about Star Wars, hit me up! I may be more well versed in Star Trek but that’s not saying much. I’m still steeped in a fuckload of Star Wars as well.
Not that I’m aware of. The font is called OpenDyslexia and its completely free. A lot of people use it because it helps dyslexic folks. Not much effort and it helps out a whole group. Might as well. Probably what the artist thought.
FR, the biggest difference I saw in my life when I got medicated (in addition to being able to complete basic life functions in a reasonable timeframe) was that I would fill up and then drink a 1L water bottle every 2 hours.
9/10, would recommend medication and having urine that looks more like lemonade than maple syrup.