Lae'zel romance spoilersI like how during her sex scene when she demands you to submit, my Berserker has a special dialogue (no checks required) that went something like "MAKE ME! SHOW ME YOUR RAGE!" after which she instantly submits. She acts all tough, but push back and she caves instantly. I did love her romance on a Berserker character, when she asked me to fight her my character was so excited, this guy lives for battle!
I’ve been listening to music from the 60s almost exclusively on spotify this year. The algorithm is hell bent on me listening to the band “The Smoke”. I really don’t think a one hit wonder band that broke up in 1976 would be paying to have their music pushed so hard like that.
mid-30s in the 15th century? … isn’t that the equivalent of saying mid 70s in the 2020s?
mid-30s in the 15th century meant that you were basically almost dead with some sort of physical health problem, you got a scratch and died of infection or you just starved to death from malnutrition.