Lower Decks: Ladies Night (startrek.website)
Bouncing off of Blackout and Flying Squid.
Bouncing off of Blackout and Flying Squid.
Website safelyendangered.com
Either way, got a lady! 😘😘
Website thejenkinscomic.net
When I throw something at the trash, I holler “Cobain!” instead of “Kobe!”...
Jesus and the 12 Apostles are out to eat...
Also, the Jewish God and Muslim Allah are on the International Space Station.
Accessibility text: Character Clem Fandango from Toast of London saying, “Hello Burnham, this is Ash Tyler, can you hear me?”
Merry Trek-mas to you all! Thanks so much for all of your help, participation, and creative contributions. Let’s do this again next year! Comment some new categories or any formatting suggestions for Trek-mas 2024....
Website www.berkeleymews.com
They probably assumed this is like a theme park or something and not an actual city that people actually live in year round. Cities having nice, people friendly places away from cars? Who’s ever heard of that?