I just installed kubuntu on my daily driver. That didn’t go super well so I tried endeavor, also didn’t go well. It could be kde plasma, but it did not feel like Linux is ready to compete for something that is ready out the box.
That said, I run endeavor on my little netbook tablet and it works a wonder, so no idea. I couldn’t even get steam to load on my desktop for some reason. I tried Linux on my desktop for half a day, then decided to run back to Win11 with my tail between my legs. It just wasn’t with the hassle. Steam didn’t work, permissions for my second hard drive for Plex were messed up. I just didn’t want to have to figure it out. I’m back comfy with windows, and just experimenting with my netbook for the time being.
I really wanted Linux to stick this time… Oddly, I was using Ubuntu on my daily driver back in 2012 without a problem.
Its crazy how polarizing the Linux experience can be. Was it a desktop or laptop? For me it was just a few clicks (Manjaro then Endeavour) on the first try and be done with it on my desktop PC. Also with dual booting.
Hopefully next time you will have more luck! “Sadly” I cannot go back to windows now, I got Linux-pilled. Linux just treats my right without any Microsoft ads.
It’s interesting as a comparison to M3 now and at different power limits. I’m hoping it may hopefully benefit the asahi project also. As a windows product I don’t think it’ll be good at all unless Microsoft has a Rosetta like emulation layer that is nearly as good as Apple. Without that this product will not do well.