I wonder about this sometimes. Things aren’t great and will get worse before they get better at the very least.
I figure that even if the world is ending and there’s nothing I can do about it, I can still do small kindnesses whenever possible. The question is how small to go for maximum effect.
There are real problems, but be wary of news/social media that use doom & gloom for engagement. Algorithms will drown you in the most extreme takes, even when on the “right side” of real issues.
Just try to do the right thing, and don’t let the internet scare you into not living your life.
Every single action you take ripples outwards to the people around you and on in to future generations. You matter just as much as every living thing on earth and in the universe. If you accept the suffering that is inherent in existence and aim towards being the most innate and true version of yourself, you will get the most meaning and consciousness out of life. We are an interconnected, trippy, murderous, loving, intelligent, massive group of apes all experiencing each other's psyche together. The world wants and needs you to love yourself.
Climate is fucked, but regarding everything else the world wasn’t a utopia back then either. Poverty, war, corrupted overlords, etc have always existed.
Life has been pointless in the grand scheme of things and unfair, and been up to each individual to try and find
My parents lived with the threat of nuclear annihilation, my grandparents fought in ww2. My gg parents lived through ww1. Most of everyone before them lived in relative poverty.
I'm not sure id take any of them over the current situation. Certainly there are massive problems looming that will cause lots of suffering, but humans do find joy and purpose at all times
Rich people don’t want to sell their stocks yet. So we all can’t act like adults and admit everything is fucked or their fake assets will start to lose value before they’ve convinced you to become so invested in the charade that you’re willing to buy them.
It’s up to you to give your life meaning. Just because things suck, doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in the towel. Imagine the Bronze Age humans, who were getting killed over idols and and some random warlord’s whims. They persisted in the face of adversity so we exist today. Imagine the lives of the enslaved, raped, and oppressed native Americans and Africans in the face of Spanish rule in South America. They persisted with no clear future freedom in sight.
I could go on about humans facing horrible situations but my point is this: throughout history we have always faced a dark situation as a result of other human actions but we always found a reason to persist… or even fight back.
Exactly. In my current state persistence is key. The question “When do you want to give up the fight?” is a good one. Im hoping that everyone can get a world where they feel mostly happy. Things might go bad quickly but it’s important to remember the small things and create happiness for yourself, even if temporary (it always is).
Shit sucks; deal with it. Also you know be cool to people and they’ll be cool back.
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