Being able to choose the best fruits/vegetables when shopping for groceries. No more moldy Avocados.
I know that there are indicators that I can already use to determine this, but I want to be able to just pick the best ones every time on first try without even thinking or touching them all.
We didn’t really get along when we were young. Fought over things - games, TV remote, CD player, etc.
But when he left for college, we grew closer. He still lived nearby, and my folks encouraged us hanging out. It was sort of an escape. Home life wasn’t great, and he and his friends were fun. He was around for a lot of my pivotal life moments. When I finally got to college, I moved in with him as roommates. Worked well.
We’re friends, basically. We have very different personalities - but we understand each other very well.
Now we live in different cities, hours apart. He’s married with a kid. I’m married and childfree. We see each other a few times a year. We text and call regularly.
Only needing an hour or two of sleep per night, but getting all the rejuvenating effects of a perfect night’s sleep. I hope I would be productive with that time.
I’d like to relax people around me, make them happy and communicative. Imagine entering public transport during rush hour, and all of a sudden, everyone around you puts away the phone and people start to talk to eachother, with a smile on their face.
I honestly had my sights set on doing some sales and consulting based on the ERPnext platform, an open source solution that uses Frappe. I am still working out some of the wrinkles but I am wondering there might be a business opportunity because ERPnext looks like it could literally be game-changin.
Even better would be to make people’s lies visible to everyone.
“Something’s going on with this politician! It looks like he’s sweating literal bullshit all over his face! Oh my God the smell! The smell is awful! Oh the humanity!”
You’re thinking too small. You’ve got to ask to have your kids do everything you ask them to do.
So you say bedtime, they go to sleep. You say sit still and quiet for this particular moment, they listen. You say look here and smile, bam, instant beautiful family picture.
I’d settle for them listening after the third time I asked them to do something. I’m not greedy.
For the sleep thing, melatonin is magical. 1/4 of a 1mg melatonin chewable is barely anything but it’ll knock them out because they think it’s supposed to. I could switch to gummy bears now and I bet it would still work on them.
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