How often do you brush your teeth?

How often do you brush your teeth? Sure, we’ve all been told the ‘twice-a-day’ , but how many of us strictly follow it?

Are there any cultures out there with alternative practices that still maintain good oral health?

I’m intrigued to hear your brushing habits, thoughts on this, and any interesting findings you’ve stumbled upon.

MrShelbySan, avatar

I have gingivitis, hereditary. So I strictly brush after every meal, and try not to forget to floss. My mom wasn’t as rigorous and now she has major teeth and gum issues, so I don’t want to end up the same way.


After waking up, after before going to bed and after every meal

Vlyn, avatar

Once in the morning (with a tongue scraper beforehand), once before bed (with flossing and the tongue scraper beforehand).

Seems to work well enough so far. Oh and an electric toothbrush is a must.

Fleppensteijn, avatar

Won’t breakfast taste nasty with that toothpaste taste?

Vlyn, avatar

Not really, because I don’t go straight to eating. After getting out of bed I first brush my teeth (or go to the toilet, depends), then I shower. Afterwards I make breakfast. So between brushing my teeth and eating there’s roughly around 20-30 minutes. With a glass of water before taking the first bite there is no taste left.

I’ve thought about brushing before or after breakfast for a while and neither way seems great. Before is great because you lose the bad breath from the night. After is nice too, except you like coffee for breakfast. General rule is always: Don’t immediately brush before or after eating, especially if you eat anything acidic, that fucks your teeth up.

WhoRoger, avatar

I hate it so much. I can’t stand standing in the bathroom in front of a mirror and fiddle with my teeth. That whole experience is just wholy depressing, and then the foul taste on top of that. I try to at least brush and use mouthwash when I wake up and am groggy enough to not mind that much.


I mean I couldn’t do that either, not for very long at least. I have the tendency to walk around aimlessly when doing something like that (same when I’m on the phone), which means I have to clean the floor after. So mostly I either brush my theeth in the shower or I sit down/lie down.

Damn, I just noticed that my theeth brushing habits are probably very weird, bit hey, at least that way I do it 2 - 3 times a day.

BluesBox, avatar

As much as I agree, life is a whole lot more depressing if you DON’T take care of your teeth.

borlax, avatar

Good oral hygiene practices don’t really differ between cultures. Cleaning your teeth properly is cleaning your teeth properly.


It does a bit here though, in my country dentists recommend 3 times a day, not 2.

Richardisaguy, avatar

I were supposed to do tree times a day, but i end up 2 every day. I also bathe every day


Are you or your parents from a Latin American country? Trying to find a pattern here.

Richardisaguy, avatar

Yep, i’m brazilian


When I wake up and before bed

jballs, avatar

Same, but I’ve combined my teeth brushing with showering. It gives you a nice excuse to zone out in the shower for just a bit longer.


Pro tip: if you call zoning out “meditating” (because that’s what it is) it makes you feel more put-together and successful. Congrats on your practice of hydrotherapy meditation.

jballs, avatar

Ooo that’s fancy, I like it!


I just wander about the house brushing my teeth, that way I’m not stuck just standing in the bathroom


How do you keep from making a mess? I look like I have an advanced case of rabies when I brush mine.


With skill and a little flair x

Nah idk, I can’t do it for long ofc cause toothpaste has that habit of becoming a little too minty and then a little painful but it’s only messy if I’m trying to have a conversation mid brush.

Which btw, happens, if I’m walking about brushing my teeth, chances are I’ll be attempting to respond to people lmao

ghostwolf, avatar

I’m surprised by how many people do that after every meal. Is it good for enamel?


I’m shocked, because in my country every dentist would recommend you to do it 3 times a day, so hearing there are people out there only doing it as much as twice a day, with quite some people doing just once a day, it’s very shocking for me.

I gotta admit though that more often than not I don’t do it the afternoon because I either forget, or don’t have time to do it. But I do it religiously every morning after breakfast, and every night before I sleep.


Only once per day, in the evening before bed. I have done it all my life(except when I was a kid) and it seems to work for me. Never had any issue with my teeth, at all. I know I should probably do it in the morning aswell, but I cant bother since what I do now works…


I’m a once before bed kinda guy atm.

Mouthwash in the morning perhaps. Have a bottle in my car.


My gf used to not brush her teeth in the morning and it stank pretty bad, still I was the first to tell her. Chances are, people arent telling you either.


My wife is pretty sensitive to smells, so I’m sure she would tell me if that were the case. Also, I practise intermittent fasting, so I don’t eat anything before lunch, maybe that helps…

chaorace, avatar

The brushing just before bed is the most important one, so you picked a good bare minimum to uphold. No shade, just curious: how old are your teeth?


I’m not the guy, but I’d like to challange my English by talking about this topic. I brush my teeth on a “when I remember to” or “when it’s really dirty”. so like twice weekly probably. If I need to apear tidy I ofc brush before it. the only problem with my teeth is that they are not straight, very all over the place actually (hope fully I can get braces soon). Regarding cleannes, (to my knowladge) all my teeth are fine, except of a bit of tartar (hopefully correct word, the hard stuff that acumilates and sticks to your teeth) on two of my teeth. The scary part is thst the dentists I’ve been to did not say anything about it, which leaves me to think they didn’t even see it, that leaves me again to, what else didn’t they notice? The thing that I notice and hints that I should brush is the frequent canker sores (again, let’s hope the right word, little annoying ass white spots that, apears, hurts than dips)

TL;DR: fine, nothing unfixable, minor annoyance

chaorace, avatar

I’m not the guy, but I’d like to challange my English by talking about this topic.

I vibe with that. I’ve been trying to learn a new language as well, so let me try and provide you with the kind of direct feedback that I wish more people would give me. Overall your writing is good enough that I would believe you were a native speaker, albeit a sloppy one. To take your writing to the next level, here’s what I’d change:

I brush my teeth on a “when I remember to” or “when it’s really dirty”. so like twice weekly probably.

This can be rephrased slightly into a more natural expression:

I brush my teeth on a “when I remember”/“when it’s really dirty” basis, so like twice weekly probably

Why: Saying that you do something “on a X basis” is a very common pattern for this type of expression. I switched to using “/” instead of “or” here to because this particular pattern is so strongly fixed that we can’t add extra words to it without sounding unnatural. I also combined the sentences together because one single compound sentence is generally more pleasing than two simple ones.

except of a bit of tartar (hopefully correct word, the hard stuff that acumilates and sticks to your teeth)

Yup, that’s exactly the right word. It would have also been acceptable for you to say “gunk”, since “tartar” is a specialized word that not everyone will know.

The scary part is thst the dentists I’ve been to did not say anything about it, which leaves me to think they didn’t even see it, that leaves me again to, what else didn’t they notice?

You’ve made excellent use of the trailing question mark! This is exactly the right tone for what I believe you were going for here, though your verb tenses are a little mixed up. Here’s what I’d change to bring the tenses back into alignment:

The scary part is that the dentists I’ve seen haven’t said anything about it, which leaves me to think they didn’t even see it. It makes me wonder what else they didn’t notice?

Why Part 1: You’ve combined “I’ve been to” (present perfect tense) with “did not say” (past tense) inside of the same clause. Mismatches like this sound quite bad because native speakers have a strong intuition for tense construction. Here the issue is fixed by simply changing the entire clause into the past tense, though we could have just as easily done the opposite and made the whole clause present perfect (i.e.: “the dentists I’ve been to won’t say anything about it”).

Why Part 2: It gets difficult to read sentences when they become this long, so I broke it into two. Note the much shortened second sentence. I did this because English speakers tend to favor a kind of long/short/long/short rythm in speech and writing. Less grammar on “down beats” feels better. It’s a pretty cool trick to use once you get the hang of it, don’t you agree?

The thing that I notice and hints that I should brush is the frequent canker sores (again, let’s hope the right word, little annoying ass white spots that, apears, hurts than dips)

This sentence is actually a really good learning opportunity because it reveals something about English-speaking culture: we hate attributing actions to passive objects. Yes… it’s not technically wrong to say “the things that hint I should brush are canker sores”, but it still feels wrong unless you’re writing poetically. Here’s how I’d write it instead:

When I get frequent canker sores it’s a hint that I should brush.

Why: Canker sores no longer do the hinting. It’s you who gets the canker sores and they merely exist as hints. Alternatively, you could even phrase it like this: “Increasingly frequent canker sores tell me that I should brush”. If we anthropomorphize “canker sores” as actively intelligent beings, we’re allowed to attribute actions to them without falling into the “passive object action” trap. Yes… this stupid language really works like that. We will go so far as to pretend that canker sores are sentient if it means we can blame stuff on them. I am sorry 🙏


You don’t need to be sorry to anything at all. I learnt from you. Even if understanding/using the things I just read will take time I have heard things that I didn’t know existed. Like the alternating long/short. Imma start paying more attension to that maybe ppl actually use it, and I’ve just been ignoring it. The other thing is not to “attribute” objects. It’s kinda a bummer because I feel like my mother tounge uses it a lot, so I kinda think that way. Is it correct to phrase it like: “the increase in X tells me” or “the increase in X leads me to”? Does the focus have to be on X (only giving it adjectives, I believe you’ve done that)?

I’m fucking ashamed that probably the single largest info drop that I got for speaking tips came from me being a fucking slob… (I should change)

Also what is that “new language” that you been trying to learn, maybe just maybe, it’s mine :)

side note: I always have problems with edge case (at least for me) tenses, when the “perfect” is in there I’m out of there. Thx again.

^I tried using short/long in this post btw, hope it worked

chaorace, (edited ) avatar

Like the alternating long/short. Imma start paying more attension to that maybe ppl actually use it, and I’ve just been ignoring it.

This is basically just a trick to sound more natural with less grammar, so feel free to pick and choose when to use it. So far I think you’ve struck a pretty good balance!

Is it correct to phrase it like: “the increase in X tells me” or “the increase in X leads me to”?

Yes, both of these sentences sound very natural to me. I think you’ve gotten the hang of it

Also what is that “new language” that you been trying to learn, maybe just maybe, it’s mine :)

Japanese! I’m a mega-weaboo lol

I’m fucking ashamed that probably the single largest info drop that I got for speaking tips came from me being a fucking slob… (I should change)

Yeah, you might want to work on your hygiene… It’s OK, though. We all have our circumstances and other people on the internet are rarely as perfect as they claim to be!

Does the focus have to be on X (only giving it adjectives, I believe you’ve done that)?

It’s less about the pattern of the sentence and more about a grammatical concept called the “agent”. The agent is the “doer” of the sentence. In English, the agent is usually (not always!) based on the sentence subject and native speakers will use one of several different tricks to shuffle the agent around when talking about an inanimate subject. I’ll list a few additional ways of doing this below to help illustrate:

Unnatural: My shirt wrinkled

This is a normal type of sentence, so the agent is the subject (“my shirt”). An inanimate agent sounds unnatural, so try to avoid this

Natural: My shirt is wrinkled

In this sentence we’ve introduced a copula (“is”) as the main verb of the sentence. Copula-based sentences like this one describe states of being and thus contain no action at all (e.g.: “My shirt is red” – no action!). No action means no agent. No agent means no problem!

Natural: My shirt got wrinkled

This is a way of speaking called the “passive voice” which implies a hidden agent as the true doer of the action. Since the agent is hidden, it won’t be based on the subject, so an inanimate subject can be used without sounding unnatural.

Natural: My shirt wrinkled itself

This is a way of speaking called the “reflexive voice” which you can use if the verb in question also has a transitive form (AKA: if it’s a “labile verb”). In the reflexive voice, all agents automatically become animate. No inanimate agent means no problem!

Natural: The sun rose

Some non-living things are still considered to be animate. These are almost always things which appear to move of their own volition, such as celestial bodies (“The moon shone”) or vehicles (“The boat sank”). There’s no problem with using animate things as the agent!


Thanks again. I’m not Japanese, or know it, so I can’t help you with that one, sorry. May I ask whether you’re and english major? You say so much grammar so confidently, are you a teacher perhaps? The thing about agents I only heard once or twice in English class.

I’m Hungarian btw, and I know how hard our language is, so I figured I could be of great help. It’s probably for the best as even I don’t know how to speak this shit culture rich language correctly :/

chaorace, avatar

May I ask whether you’re and english major? You say so much grammar so confidently, are you a teacher perhaps? The thing about agents I only heard once or twice in English class.

Nah, I’m just a college dropout who has weird interests lol! It has been my sincere pleasure to help out another learner 😊

I’m Hungarian btw, and I know how hard our language is, so I figured I could be of great help. It’s probably for the best as even I don’t know how to speak this shit culture rich language correctly :/

Greetings from across the ocean in Atlanta, GA!


This is the type of shit I missed seeing on Reddit. It’s a breath of fresh breath 😃 seeing someone just genuinely caring to help someone learn a second language because it’s a kind thing to do. Thank you both for this interaction!


Main reason you need to brush daily is because plaque turns to tarter after about 24-36 hours. Plaque is soft and can be brushed off. Tarter on the other hand is hard as your enamel. Brushing will not remove tarter. Overtime the tarter will build up and get under your gums and cause your teeth to separate from your jaw. It’s why going to the dentist twice a year for a cleaning is so necessary as they will scrape off the tarter that builds up.

Gum health is another factor that brushing alone will not take care off. Flossing will prevent bacteria growth and infections. That’s another source of how people lose their teeth as they get older.

Bottom line is without daily oral care you will lose your teeth as you age.


im in trouble then 🙃


Only if you keep doing what you’re doing. You have a choice ultimately.


yes, well, I don’t plan to stay like this ofc.


I’m 35 years old, I guess teeth slightly younger!


A lot of y’all are clearly not as depressed as I am. It has been a struggle most of my adult life to force myself to brush my teeth. It’s something I’ve gotten much better at lately, and I’ve luckily not had any serious dental issues yet. But I’m shocked that no one else has said they struggle with it. Y’all are inspirations.


I’m right there with you.

I’ve had good and bad periods of my life, with regard to how well I treat my teeth.

Currently trying to curb a bad period. Brushing daily is a struggle.

I put out reminders and set alarms on my phone.

But depression is a hell of a thing and it can honestly be surprising when I realize it’s been a week of ignoring my alarms and reminders.

My hygienist has been thoughtful about my mental health situation. But I always feel terrible before a trip to the dentist.

I was once a flossing consistently, bruising 2-3 times a day rope guy.

Trying to get back there. But everything is up hill and some things suffer.


I made this post, because I have gone through anxious and depressive states where I have completely overlooked it for weeks.

Sometimes it just falls from the priority list. Can be hard enough getting out of bed some days.

It may seem like a simple little thing. But often they are the hardest.



Doesn’t your mouth taste bad if you just don’t do it regularly? Honestly even general hygiene concerns aside, I’d do it twice a day just to get the fresh feeling. Maybe you could try some different toothpastes to find one that makes you really want to do it and not just feel like it’s something you should do?


You ever been tested for ADHD? This could be a symptom of that.

WhoRoger, avatar

I also wrote something like that.

Somebody really needs to figure out a better way to do this.


During my more depressive episodes my dental hygiene seriously suffered, and due to covid I didn’t go to my bi-annual checkup. Last summer I got a sudden and extremely painful toothache, and it turned out my teeth could make swiss cheese jealous. I ended up having to have one of my molars pulled (I had to expedite the process a bit after it literally started falling apart), two root canals (one of which I still haven’t had), and a fuckton of small holes to fill. The whole ordeal ended up being really painful and expensive. I’m still not as on top of it as I should wish, but I found that buying an electric toothbrush made it a lot easier, and I also force myself to brush at least every morning. The pain and debt are also good motivators…


Years of depression put me in a spot where I had multiple huge face-swelling problems. Brushing is an afterthought when you hate life and want to die. I hope you’re doing well.


Wow I never connected this with anxiety/depression but that makes a lot of sense now that I hear it.

I didn’t go to the dentist and didn’t brush my teeth but for maybe the occasional time or for a spurt of a week or two here and there for about the last 15 years, starting in college. I always thought I was special because my teeth didn’t seem to know the difference and my mouth “felt” better. It wasn’t until about a year ago when I had a moler snap in half while eating dinner that I realized I might have an issue. I went to the dentist to have that replaced and was told I needed to make a change or this would keep happening.

I’ve now managed to get myself back on the habit of brushing at least once a day, usually before bed. My mouth hated it at first but after the first month or so it was so much better. I can’t believe I let myself go like I did…


After breakfast and before i go to bed.


You should brush before breakfast to remove the bacteria from your mouth that breaks your teeth in combination with sugar

Luci, avatar

Every time I take out my Invisalign :( so 5-10 times a day.


There’s a recent podcast edition of Science Vs. about this very thing.

According to their interviewed experts and their research, brushing your teeth does nothing to prevent cavities UNLESS it’s fluoridated toothpaste.

Flossing also doesn’t really prevent cavities, but it is important for me gum health. They recommend regular flossing (more than once a week)


Twice: after waking up,before bed. Floss, tongue cleaner , mouth wash is a part of the ritual. On a related note : can recommend electronic tooth brush.

The amount of individuals here who brush post breakfast or not at all in the morning is alarming ! Of course, mental health can affect the schedule but that’s a different conversation and is understandable.

The rest, how is your dentist not harassing about your oral hygiene?

chaorace, avatar

can recommend electronic tooth brush

Important caveat: just because electric toothbrushes are good does not mean “more power = better”. For natural teeth, you should always brush gently. Don’t go ham just because you’ve got a powertool in your hand!

If your brush has multiple intensity modes, always use the lowest. Same thing goes for your grip! The whole point of an electric is that it can get you clean with almost zero pressure. Seriously: apply no more pressure than necessary to get full bristle contact. It will extend the natural life of your teeth and gums by years.


Once a day before going to bed, including interdental brushes.

My teeth are doing well, and probably relevant:

a) Keto, so next to no sugar/carbs in my diet
b) acidic drinks (coffee, tea, once a week quite some cola zero with some alcohol, half a bottle of wine once or twice a week), which makes brushing attack my teeth (I have light acid damage already)

chaorace, avatar

What’s an interdental brush/brushing?


Essentially a brush for flossing, some find them easier to use than normal flossing, but there are also people like me who have super tight teeth and the floss can’t go through the top.

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