I can’t speculate as to what Abbot wants, but he’s definitely asking for an armed confrontation with the U.S. Military, and as a Texan, I think Biden should give only Abbot exactly that.
I’m not aware of anything outside of the civil war. There have been impeached governors sure, but the feds stepping in to stop one or more states from being egregiously bad happened only once that I know of.
I guess this may be more of a project management thing, but trying to figure out what the most important part of a task is, and getting that done first.
If I’m cleaning the bathroom, I do the sink, because if I have to stop, that’s typically the grossest part.
When I’m doing my taxes, I do the stupid parts that I can’t afford to get wrong first.
When I’m packing for a trip, I get the stuff I need day-to-day sorted out and in my carry-on.
I don’t think these are great examples, but they mean something to me.
It’s installed on a slight angle, so water pools in the soap holders and around the back of the faucet. If we don’t keep it dry, pools fill with gunge.
Remember Valentine’s day 2004, when San Francisco county started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples?
Thousands of couples showed up. Some from the other side of the planet, some from the other side of town. The County Clerk was overwhelmed and there weren’t nearly enough wedding officiants to keep up. So they put out a call for volunteers to be deputized by the Clerk as county marriage commissioners. I volunteered and officiated at dozens of ceremonies at city hall.
Still have my official commission hanging on my wall.
Just cleaned up my whole apartment. I don’t think I’ve ever lived anywhere where the whole place is this clean. I normally deep clean one area then stop and by the time i clean the next area the first ones dirty again. Everything is sorted nicely, got stuff hung up that I’ve been putting off, vacuumed in every corner, the whole works. I’m exhausted but super proud
Ain’t no way this is actually going to happen, any attempt at succession will be put down by the much larger national military. There will be no civil war.
If they vote on it Brexit style it will be one thing. If 51% of the population shows up and votes 51% to leave we can consider it. Wait until that happens.
Eh there won’t be an organized civil war of large standing armies, but I can definitely see the Redneck militias doing some damage. If it dragged on long enough they could theoretically get organized somehow.
I really doubt that the politicians in the GOP states want a Civil war though, it is gonna be hard to extract wealth from the poor if the whole system explodes.
i also notice nobody mentions the possibility that cartels could try to take advantage of any significant unrest in some states. i doubt states or feds want that mess.
Oh, this’ll be fun in the future when people try to whitewash it. We’ll have another chance to follow up by asking, “a state’s right to what, specifically?”
i keep seeing comments like this. i want to point out texas has a LOT of poor and uninsured people, but the state economy is pretty decently sized with a lot of business investment.
that’s not really a bad thing for preventing secession. you think those with energy and tech money want their shit fucked up by Abbott and MAGA?
The states are beginning to openly disrespect the authority of the federal government. Texas Gov. Abbott directly said he believes Texas State law supercedes federal law. There is no basis for that position in law; the law dictates exactly the opposite. If Texas refuses to respect the authority of the United States of America and the rulings of the Supreme Court, the only way to resolve that is civil war.
Men’s rights, but not like the piss pitt that the Reddit one has, but one that focuses on real men’s issues, like how rampant prison rape is in male prisons, parental alienation, forced military service and such.
And before anyone says that “It is men who mostly commit prison rape”, well duh, that is obvious, but prison should be a rehabilitation tool, not a punitive one, and especially not a for-profit business like it currently is.
And add the fact that prisoners should be under the care of the government, and the fact that so much abuse, sexual and otherwise is ignored and not prevented is nothing but appalling.
That is a way better idea, as long as there is no bashing on fence issues such as circumcision and the pink tax(And I don’t mean pink tax in the sense of feminine razors being more expensive while being functionality the same as men’s razors, I mean the absurd markup on feminine hygiene products, and in some places tampons being taxed as luxury items).
He did serve for two terms. Back then, that was the most someone could do. The idea he could’ve been a monarch if he wished isn’t exactly accurate given the combination of public pressure, the way other founding fathers weighed in, and the fact that America’s then-neighboring allies the Haudenosaunee civilization was already a democracy superior to even the ancient Greeks.
Not so much software as an element that needs to be part of so much software but, for some unfathomable reason, is not:
Picklists which work properly. If I type “U”, do not give me a screen full of Ts with the first U at the bottom. And let me type more than one letter to get to exactly where I need to be in the list. It can be done but it rarely is done and it does my head in.
Also, if you must include a scroll wheel to enter numbers, make it possible to just fucking type the numbers instead.
This is probably not what you intended this thread for but I’ll take any chance I get to ask UI designers to get a fucking grip…
Software developers who never have, and never will have to, use the software for real. I think every coder should be forced to use their own software for one month out of every year they work on it (and be able to do the job that goes with it because how the fuck else are they going to get a clue?).
And fucking stop making PC software that looks like it was designed to be used on a phone. I cannot do my job on a phone, no one would ever do my job on a phone, everyone who does my job has at least two large screens. We do not want to click a million times to do one simple task, and we do want to be able to see masses of information at the same time.
I think every coder should be forced to use their own software for one month out of every year they work on it (and be able to do the job that goes with it because how the fuck else are they going to get a clue?).
At my company, all developers spend time every year in customer support. It gives us first hand experience with what our customers are running into and asking for. We also work directly with field consultants on their projects. It’s not exactly this, but it’s pretty close, and it works really well.
That must help a lot. But often, when I am quietly cursing them, I just want to make them shadow me for a day to see, and feel, the impact of their ridiculous decisions. We have given them written explanations, had meetings, shown screenshots. But nothing gets through. If they had to spend a day a week using it, they might actually do something about it.
Software developers who never have, and never will have to, use the software for real.
Yes. The customer doesn’t necessarily know what’s possible or know how to articulate what features they want. I spent one week in a position where I was using my own software for production and immediately made several simple enhancements once I had hands on experience with the expected business process.
Every programmer should go through an exercise like this at least once in a while.
I am quite old, so remember the transition from scientists writing their own software to systems analysts who specialised in writing software that was fit for purpose. And that was exactly the ideal: the systems analyst was supposed to be someone who could code as well as their programmers could and understand the job the software was designed for as well as the customer did.
None of that seems to have happened. Some of the kids who could code got lucky with billion dollar jackpots from very low hanging fruit. And ever since, we’ve just been hit by waves of kids who can code going straight into software development with absolutely no experience of how work works.
It’s a difficult problem to solve. I have an aunt who developed software in the '60s and '70s who had to retire early because the languages she used became obsolete (apart from a brief bounce running up to Y2K). But it is a problem we absolutely have to solve. So much shitty software, wasting so much effort, for the developers and users alike.
Here’s a basic UI thing that needs to happen: spatially stable navigation.
When I scroll up, something should not appear unless it was just hidden by my scrolling down.
When I hit “back”, I should always be where I just was.
These are, in some ways, the same thing. Scrolling up on a webpage is, quite often, intended as an “undo” for the previous scrolling-down action. When I scroll up, I want to see the last thing that disappeared under the upper fold. I don’t want to see your menu, which wasn’t there before.
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