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echodot, in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

So guys just in case, can you like maybe hand over your nuclear launch codes. You can have them back when you’ve calmed down.


Here you go




Up until the seventies it was 00000000

uriel238, (edited ) avatar

Apparently our generals take those very seriously. I had fantasies Mattis was going to stab Trump with a steak knife to stop him from pulling a Stillson. IRL, Mattis said I’ll get on that right away, sir …and then just didn’t.

I’m pretty sure Mattis was the top ranking agent of the Deep State and that figured into why he got replaced with Esper. In the meantime, there’s a long chain of officers who are eager to interrupt an unnecessary nuclear exchange.

Upsidedownturtle, in If Trump loses in 2024, do you think he'd run in 2028?

I’d bet if he loses in '24 his health will start declining quickly and will use health related reasons as a means to avoid punishment for crimes committed.


I mean, it’s likely the same will happen if he wins.


Dementia doesn’t just go away.

cashews_best_nut, in How do you cope with the state of the world today?

I browse Lemmy & Reddit for 12-16hrs per day and eat out of bean tins. I shower once per week before meeting my probation officer.

That’s about it.


Favorite brand?


Damn thought you were asking them their favorite band. Hold my beer, I’m going in.

Witchfire, avatar

Of probation officer?


Of shower.


Normally I just get what the food bank gives out but my faves are Branston. :)


Favorite band?


Gotta be Nine Inch Nails! I’ve seen them twice and now Atticus is officially part of NIN with Trent they count as a proper band rather than a solo artist! ;)


I think I oghtta give them a proper go. Always liked their hits, and bands typically have way better shit than the radio has time for. Thanks for answering.


Skimmed through their 2020 stuff, what is going on there? It’s like 2 hours of intros it feels like.


Ooooh yeah don’t bother with Ghosts. He’s been going for ~40yrs and his Ghosts stuff is more like his creative common free music he gives to people.

I started on With Teeth album but his top albums are often considered to be Downward Spiral and Fragile.

If I was you I’d listen to Downward Spiral, the Fragile then With Teeth. After that maybe try Pretty Hate Machine which is slightly more dark-poppy-shynth-wave.

Quicker song video tasters:

I’ll stop now otherwise I’ll be posting the entire back catalogue! :D


Thanks, I’ll check it out


Huh, haven’t had those. Will check it out!

neidu2, (edited ) in What's something you're proud of doing?

Do mean like a skill, a habit, or a project? Or something else entirely?

TehBamski, avatar

I can be anything you are proud of. I’m just asking that it’s something that you did.

Does that help?

neidu2, (edited )

In that case: I’ve carved out a pretty decent career despite no formal education at all, and virtually no network to lean on. I got where I am because I’m good at what I do, and my 30% paycheck increase when I was recently poached by a competitor proves it.

Also, I make an awesome porkbelly roast.

paddirn, in If Trump loses in 2024, do you think he'd run in 2028?

Probably and Republicans will be too stupid to go with anyone else, hopefully he’s on his deathbed by then (if not gone sooner). At least Democrats will have to run somebody else, though not sure who in the current Democrat party would rise to the top. Hillary might make another go at it, but I could see Newsom or Warren going after it as well, but nobody really strong comes to mind.


Hillary might make another go at it

She’s a smart woman, surely she must have realized by now that nobody likes her


Ehhh, I’d have thought she had realized that the first go around, however, she actually did win the popular vote against Trump in 2016 (Hillary: 65,853,625 votes (48.0%) vs Trump: 62,985,106 votes (45.9%)), so it’s entirely plausible that she doesn’t realize that.

Nollij, (edited )

I’m assuming you mean when she lost the primary to Barack Obama in 2008. It’s hard to argue that it was proof that she was unpopular when Obama went on to win the general election by such a huge margin, and even his reelection by a comfortable margin. It just serves as proof that Obama was extremely popular, moreso than her.

2016, OTOH, showed that the people (through a skewed system) preferred Trump to her. That’s a hard reality to dismiss.

setsneedtofeed, (edited ) in What's something you're proud of doing? avatar

They made a rule against using bird houses in a demolition contest because of me. It’s not my fault they asked for the most effective way of getting through a steel plate instead of the most precise.


Please tell us more…


I would love more details.

setsneedtofeed, (edited ) avatar

So there I was with something of an informal competition in front of me to make the “best” shaped charge to blow throw about a two inch steel plate. It was really just something like practicing skills and maybe showing off creativity.

Most people took “best” to mean most efficient, precise, or cleanly shaped hole in the metal. I took a different meaning. A Mongo minded meaning.

People showed up with their creations and proceeded to pack them with explosives. Most were C4 filled and under half a pound, many of them much less. Shaped charges made of coins, wine bottles, whatever else.

I brought a bird house similar to:

Removed the copper roof, put it in a 5 gallon bucket and proceeded to fill the bucket with as much C4 as it could hold. I don’t know how much. It was a lot. More explode means more good.

My charge had to go last for fear of disrupting everything else. I put a dachshund sized hole in the steel plate along with a massive crack. Penetrated the dirt a few feet down. Somebody even recovered the copper penetrator and turned it into a keychain.

After that they put a size limit on how much explosives you could use. Really not my fault there wasn’t a limit in the first place.

JigglySackles, in Seeking Perspectives: Trans Athletes in Women's Sports

Just make all sports unisex and it won’t matter. Except it does matter in some cases. Easy pick from the top of the pile is men’s and women’s gymnastics. There are plenty of comparative videos on YT showing one gender being able to do an event and the other being barely able or not able to do it. There are enough physiological divisions, that some movements and performances will be limited or enhanced by ones innate physiology. Skeletal structure, muscle structure, etc. It follows reason then, that a trans person can still maintain these advantages or disadvantages and therefore have an unfair advantage if they choose the related sport.

Honestly though, would really just rather them combine all sports as unisex and see what happens. Women will dominate some, and men others. I don’t see many women as dominating linemen in the NFL, but I likewise see very few men winning medals in women’s style gymnastics. Trans won’t even be a question anymore. Just give everyone the leveled field.


For a lot of sports the “male” league is already technically unisex, female athletes just don’t compete because they can do a lot better in the female leagues.

Rylyshar, in If Trump loses in 2024, do you think he'd run in 2028? avatar

Hard to run from jail (please)

_haha_oh_wow_, avatar

Wouldn’t be the first time.

PizzaFacia, in What's something you're proud of doing?

Going to talk therapy. Getting married and having kids really pushed me and helps me keep going on the hardest days. I cannot have mental illness affect their lives like it did mine growing up.

1984, avatar

You sound like a good person. Hang in there.


You are too kind, thank you. One day at a time

TonyTonyChopper, in So is the US slipping into Civil War? avatar

who’s the Youtuber in the bottom right


It’s Hasan Piker aka Hasanabi

Sylvartas, (edited ) in How do you cope with the state of the world today?

Nihilism. And drugs I guess


Regular consumption via “addiction” or therapudic instables of irregular incidences you document changes and benefits of?

Bahnd, (edited )

Pretty much this…

Nietzsche, Camus, and a whole bucket of popcorn to watch it all.

Curious_Canid, in So is the US slipping into Civil War? avatar

I don’t think the conservatives are sufficiently unified to form a single opposition army. The problem with basing your appeals on hating “outsiders” is that you end up with a lot of internal hatred too. There’s also a strong undercurrent of “no one can tell me what to do” that makes central control unlikely.

What seems more likely are terrorist incidents, carried out be individuals and small groups, without any overall communication or strategy. We’re already seeing some of that. The lack of coordination won’t prevent it from happeing, but will prevent it from achieving anything.

I don’t think there are very many people within the MAGA movement who honestly want to resort to violence, whatever they tell themselves. The ones who are actually willing are the ones who wanted to hurt someone anyway. Politics provides them with an excuse, not a motivation.

I think we’re going to have a nasty time for a while, but I don’t think a right-wing takeover by violence has any chance of happening. I’m much more worried about a political takeover that then turns into an authoritarian coup. The left-wing has a much better chance of organizing as a whole, but I don’t think there are that many people ready to fight from that side either, but that could change as conditions get worse.


The right has been used, and steadily intensifying stochastic terrorism for a while now. You’re right, it’s not a strategy for a military takeover of the US. It’s just one step in the political takeover.

ratman150, in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

This shit needs to stop. As a Texan (by force…) I’d absolutely be joining the feds to fight against Texas.


Holy dog shit! Texas?! Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy! And you don’t look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down. Do you suck dicks?

RealFknNito, avatar

Brit humor everyone. Never change.


He’s quoting Full Metal Jacket.


I think it’s from the boot camp scenes in the movie Full Metal Jacket.

RealFknNito, avatar

No I know it was just a really weird time to try and use that line. I can only assume they were trying to be funny while the guy prior was coming to terms with the peril of being a Texan right now.


Agree. Weird timing


Jus’a bi’o’banta!

No better time to make a joke than when times are dark!

RealFknNito, avatar

Alright, you won me over. littol bitta bantah.


It absolutely is. Sgt. R Lee Ermy was a master at comedy


Are you a peter puffer?!

Psiczar, in How do you cope with the state of the world today?

I’m 51, I grew up with media fear mongering of the Cold War, the hole in the ozone layer and AIDS. I don’t think there has ever been a period in my life where there hasn’t been a threat in some form or another, and I sleep like a baby. We aren’t going backwards, it’s just another day at the office.

If you find yourself worrying about events on the other side of the world then you need to switch off the news and focus on what you can control in your own life. Sure, WW3 could be around the corner, Covid 2 Electric Boogaloo could be more lethal or the icebergs could melt, but we can’t do a goddamn thing about it, so what is worrying going to accomplish?

Worry about paying the mortgage, making sure your family are fed, and stay safe.

JigglypuffSeenFromAbove, avatar

Isn’t this a mindset for complacent people, though?

Don’t get me wrong, I think exactly like you. But sometimes, I feel that by thinking this way, I’m just taking a shortcut. It seems like an easy way out for issues that should be tackled by humanity (of which you and I are a part), and instead of contributing, we’re just letting it happen.

Think about activists, for example. To do what they do, they can’t just turn off the news and be oblivious to what’s happening. They might not be directly solving the problems, but they are doing something within their reach, even if it means feeling overwhelmed, like OP seems to be feeling.

Does any of this make sense?


How attached can you be without undoing your own mental stability?

Figure that out, then apply it. Please, the world needs you.

littlebluespark, avatar

Agreed. If enough of us look the fuck up instead of taking what we’re fed… maybe it doesn’t have to be “another day at the office”? I was in middle school when we had the ill-fated assembly in the cafeteria to watch the first teacher astronaut go up, but that didn’t kill my dreams of exploring the stars (the realization in my teens of its extreme unlikelihood did).

If the “best advice” is just to keep your head down and focus on your work, then that’s more about accepting your fate as an infinitesimally tiny cog in someone else’s cash engine. Fuck that.

shortwavesurfer, in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

The US is the next empire to fall. I am a US citizen and i am taking steps to GTFO if needed. I have an e-residency and ID card from another nation and am working up to the investment for full citizenship.


I mean, the issue is that most of the rest of the so called free World (and in my opinion correctly so), especially Europe, depends on the US for defence, specially weapon production. Despite France constantly whining about it, insisting on strategic autonomy, as far as I am aware, when it comes to ammo production and air power, we very much depend on the US for production and designs (the design when it comes to aircraft)


The United States military should scale way back, but the European military would have to increase because of what you mentioned with designs for specialty weapons.


We have reasonable designs for almost all weapon categories, except maybe for airplanes, with the latest being the Eurofighter which is by now a bit dated. Regarding Tanks, the German Leopard is as far as I am aware a fine piece of engineering as well as the belgian FN-SCAR. However we lack the ammo capabilities (especially when it comes to artillery shells) to ever have hope of winning a protracted war (or simply keeping Ukraine alive). (also, quick side note, France also spends a great deal of money maintaining their own nuclear arsenal and weapons delivery system, which kinda makes the UK seem a bit puny with their dependence of the US for weapon delivery)


If the American empire falls, it’s not going to reduce weapons production or arms sales. Decline into fascism requires more guns and bullets, as they get turned against domestic targets, while guns and oil are among the US’s best sources of external currency.


Please explain the e-residency and id card thing. I’m in the red area and really really don’t want to be.


LordThunder: “Fuck, I’m surrounded by Republicans! Where are you going? I’ll come with!”

Shortwavesurfer: 😬


Oh, then the place I am looking at would definitely not work for you. I don’t think… Ever heard of Liberland?


Oh. Yeah. That’s gonna be a no from me dawg. Thank you for the reply though.

Forester, (edited ) avatar

Just FYI, Estonia is a real country and also viable.

But I think I’d much rather stay on the 5th column.


A country run on a blockchain. Fucking yikes. I think a “ship of fools” is putting it generously.

dustyData, (edited )

This reminds me of Auroville, a village in India that’s supposed to be an Utopia of socialism and new humanist living. But when you look beyond the marketing and the veneer of spirituality, it’s just a bunch of people living in poverty and giving their money to a group of leeches.

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