I use mine more as an mp3 player and I do find the vibration alarm feature very useful as sometimes a normal alarm clock doesn’t wake me. Apart from that don’t really see to much benifit over a normal watch.
It is nice to have things like maps etc on your wrist bit I can’t say I’ve ever actually used really used them.
I live in a bit of a foodie town, so there’s too many to mention, but here are some of my favorites.
Codfather. Dude’s an immigrant from Scotland and was annoyed that there were no fish and chips restaurants here so he made one.
Dashi. Tagline is “Put a little Sriracha in your Sombrero.” It’s hispanic-asian fusion.
Vicious Biscuit. I’ve never seen them not have a line out the door. Really good biscuits with all kinds of toppings.
Boxcar Betty’s. It’s what Chik-Fil-A wishes it could be.
Rodney Scott’s, and Swig and Swine. 2 BBQ restaurants that have spoiled me for BBQ. I have to be careful how often I eat at one of these because it’s so good it’s hard to stop eating.
well, I usually roll a few cigarettes for the road, put directions on Google maps, and adjust my seating/coffee/whatever else I need to be comfortable. In total it takes a minute or two.
I will always shill for Outer Wilds, simply because it’s such a niche that only 2 games have come out in its unnamed genre: Majora’s Mask and Outer Wilds.
Yes, Outer Wilds is a spiritual successor to Majora’s Mask.
And the worst part is that talking about the game would probably spoil half of it. All I can say that it’s an adventure like Majora’s Mask.
If you ever were to trust an internet stranger to buy a game blind, now is the time. If you loved MM, you’ll at least like OW.
I’m really lucky that I didn’t cave in and watch any videos at first. (I think I watched the game’s version of a tutorial, but that was it.) Its fantastic.
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