Are you thinking about a community? Because instance doesn’t really need posts, it can be purely a user instance with no communities. If you mean a community, then yeah, it happens for various reasons:
people think they can attract people to it, turns out they can’t
people sit on good community names to be part of the mod team in case someone wants to pick it up
personal problems causing people to have less time to moderate
In high school, I had a red corduroy coat. I adorned it with patches. I glued Celtic jacquard ribbon to it at the cuffs and hems. I added brass stars and studs to it. I wore it to school and felt really cool. In my mind, I was a wizard.
I’ve never been afraid to stand out, but I’ve learned to do it more judiciously.
There’s nothing wrong with being proud of yourself. But we’re humans and all go through ups and downs in our lives that can make us complacent… So I propose: shouldn’t we strive to be the best version of ourselves?
I think we’re all already doing that. If someone is falling short of what you might call their “best”, that’s a problem with your measurement, not their effort.
I used to have issues with anger. Had you seen me at the time, you might’ve thought I wasn’t trying to be better. Honestly, at the time, I’m not sure I can truthfully say I was trying to be better.
But I know now that my anger was caused by childhood trauma, and I was dealing with it the only way I knew how to at the time. I was being my best self, but to anyone else it looked like I was at my absolute worst.
You are exactly who you are, and the reasoning behind what you’re doing isn’t always obvious - even to yourself. I think that no matter what you do, you’re doing your best at it simply by virtue of doing it at all.
I promise that if any pictures still exist, then they have been kept against my strict orders. If I find out someone has one I will be forced to become a wizard again to destroy them
Yeah because we would definitely be motivated to manufacture fucking Hellfire missiles and landmines without the pressures of global capitalism… /s
Like I get it, getting rid of the defense industry ≠ getting rid of war, but it would be a much more daunting task to wage war if we didn’t have fucking weapons factories.
There are precisely two instruments on this world I would try to learn:
the bag pipes
Because, to my knowledge, it it the most annoying instrument known to humanity. It’s loud, it’s screechy, it’s haunting, it’s everything hateful in a music instrument and yet it is so damn epic sounding.
the hurdy gurdy
Silly sounding name for an instrument capable of sending shivers down your spine.
It is also ridiculously cumbersome and unless you know what it is, the basic reaction to it is wondering if a piano, an accordion and a jack-in-the-box had a threesome and nature decided to create the musical instrument equivalent of the platypus.
I like this instrument so much I created a character for a story that is a necromancer bard, that conveys spells through the music of the hurdy gurdy.
This makes me want to learn the hurdy-gurdy even more! I mean, in reality, I’m never putting in the time to learn to play it anyway. So, in the fantasy of me being dedicated enough to learn to play an instrument, the added fantasy of me maintaining a finely tuned instrument is just added appeal.
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