And you know the rest of the reasons when at the first start your minesweeper app needs to have access to your photos, location, camera and microphone.
the free ad space on your home screen. Sure it’s a small ad, but you see it all the time.
notifications. Even if only a small fraction of users allow them, it’s a lot of free advertising. And yes, you can put notifications on websites, but that’s not as reliable or as expected as native app notifications.
permissions. The more legitimate apps may provide some sort of additional functionality that their website can’t provide on its own. The shadier ones sell the data they get from the sensors all over your phone.
data storage. Technically web storage is a thing, but it’s definitely not something you want to hang your whole business on right now.
integrations. You can integrate, for example, Google Pay/Apple Pay on a website, but it’s more of a hassle. In an app, it’s practically drop-in. Same with the share functionality.
why not? If you already have a mobile site and can make an app from it reasonably easy, there’s no reason not to. You’ve become multi-channel with no extra work.
There are probably other reasons, but those are the ones that make sense to me, being in the industry.
Excellent points. I’d just add one more: user friendliness. The average user prefers to click on an icon on their screen, rather than open a Web browser and either type in the URL or access bookmarks, which tends to be rather clunky on a phone.
Also capabilities. Some things are a hassle that doesn’t always work as expected (e.g. camera) and some things are just not possible at all (NFC). Even your airline app that simply shows a barcode that you scan at the gate will want to increase display brightness while it’s doing so and be able to show you a notification when you have delay or gate change…
Same here. I used to get a lot of it via eBay since it had a lot better protection for only a bit more in price. But after the pandemic, most of the stuff I buy moved off of eBay and is only available on Ali now.
The key detail being the following. “The US National Ignition Facility (NIF) has made significant strides in nuclear fusion, but it’s not yet efficient enough for power grid use. The facility’s laser system loses over 99% of the energy in a single ignition attempt.”
I truly hope that fully maintained nuclear fusion will become a reality. However, I don’t see this being achievable for another few decades.
And yet liberals remain the only major ideological group that often can’t define liberalism, much less anarchism, yet they still feel entitled to have opinions on it anyways because this one time they saw a movie where a punk graffitied an A on a wall.
Honestly, if you consider amazon on the same level of shit as the ones mentioned especially with it being overrun by cheap knockoffs and chinese brands, they probably have the widest and most reliable delivery network. The return/exchange is also very easy as long as the product is shipped by them.
Seconded. Amazon has been a cheap shitty online shop for the better part of a decade now but they‘re still the best cheap shitty shop. Especially if you shop in central Europe. I‘ve tried many available competitors to avoid them completely but the direct competition is just so damn abysmal. You can complain about Amazon a lot as it has many problems, but any complaint against them is a general complaint against online shopping as a whole and they‘re becoming worse because everyone else is just so bad. At least Amazon refunds the garbage sellers send me no questions asked. That has always been a huge pain with other crappy shops.
AI is already well underway, so that's probably the most plausible soonest.
A fully reusable rocket in the form of Starship is also well underway and should be successfully orbiting for the first time soon. Just a matter of a year or two before it's doing workhorse cargo launches probably.
The new round of superconductor possibility might pan out, which would be another one. But that's more of a yes/no outcome that hasn't quite been settled yet, rather than something with a "completion bar."
The most recent test launch was just a few seconds of engine firing short of reaching orbital velocity, it would have made it if not for an apparent oxygen leak. The next test rocket has been doing static fire tests already, and it has a cargo door and rack capable of launching Starlink V2 satellites so I wouldn't be at all surprised if they send up a few on it.
Just a matter of a year or two before it’s doing workhorse cargo launches probably.
I doubt that. I’m a big fan of the concept, But SpaceX is behind their promises schedule in a way that would make NASA blush.
Starship launches are becoming less transparent in what they share and information is becoming less frequent. Starship is supposed to land humans on the moon for Artemis III for 4 billion dollars but right now it can’t even make orbit without violently exploding for mostly unknown reasons.
The main lesson from launch 1 was that a deluge system is an absolute must, like literally everyone told them, but Musk personally vetoed. Now they have something almost the same, but more complicated because Musk refused to do things on time. And the lessons from launch 2? Who knows, they stopped talking, and analysis of the videos is very hard because SpaceX realized random YouTubers could analyse their failures.
Remember, Elon said we’d have 2 Starships on Mars in 2023.
They've launched a total of two Starship test flights so far, so I'm not sure how you're drawing a meaningful trend line on them becoming "less transparent." We know a lot about IFT-3 already, they've been doing static test fires and the Starship slated for it has a cargo bay capable of launching Starlink V2s.
SpaceX has never been shy about their failures. They've released humorous supercuts of their Falcon 9 landing failures before, and have allowed those Youtubers to place cameras around Starship launches to get views from close enough to be fried by the rocket exhaust. So I'm not sure where you're getting this sense of secrecy from. What other launch companies are so open about their development process?
We had a project once that ran completely fine as a website except for the ability to scan bar codes. That one thing forced us to create an app and the rest of the app was just showing the website.
Can’t you use camera on browser? I actually seen a project that does some complex things using camera [1] and it ran in browser. I’m confident scanning bar codes is possible.
There are JS barcode libraries out there, some better than others, some free, others paid. A few years back at a corporate job I built just the thing - a web app designed to replace a 3rd party mobile app. The back-end was Laravel + various AWS services, with a responsive front-end made with Tailwind.
The requirements were to make it mimic most of the mobile app’s functionality. There was also location tracking via browser APIs (to track the cargo at all times) and a barcode scanner. I used a paid library for that, and it was quite expensive, but very reliable. So it can definitely be done as a web app.
According to the rules of the post, you are now confident, persuasive, and loved!
And the best thing of all… it doesn’t just have to be a fantasy. These are all qualities that can be learned, practiced, and refined over time. It’s not easy, but it can become a reality!
Yall remember the slap-chop guy Vince Offer? Before he was telling everyone how much they’d love his nuts he was hawking his Underground Comedy Movie. It was absolutely terrible, but they sold the shit out of it on late night infomercials. Everyone who saw it is stupid. I can say this because I saw it… and it was so bad it felt like my frontal lobe died and became a black hole in my brain. I am literally dumber for having volunteered to watch it.
Like with anything, too much of it will look/taste/smell/sound bad.
Is that a reason in and of itself to not build wind power plants? No.
Personally I find wind power plants to look cool, a bit sci-fi and futuristic.
The argument that they are ugly is dumb, using a term like “visual pollution” is just a way to try and make a subjective oppinion sound like objective fact.
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